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Church of the Golden Hammer


Lord of Altera

"People of Altera,

Hear our proclamation.

For too long have we watched and silently accepted the heresy the Alteran High church committed by accepting shrines of false gods into their religion.
For too long have we watched how their shrines stand at what should be the center of the all faith.

Therefore, I hereby declare the foundation of the Church of the Golden Hammer.
From this day onward, only the true gods of Altera shall have a place in the divine pantheon.

The big two

Harateth and Shalherana

As well as their brethren,

Korigon, Sallana, Bilworth, Jax, She who is beyond Names, The Grey Lady, Skeira, Theodra, Rahas, Korog

The remaining ones shall henceforth be known as Archdemons and their foul faith be banned from the Kingdom of Hierax and punished by death.

The cathedral being built in heaven's reach shall be the center of our faith.

Move out now, Order of the Dragon
Start your purge and make those heretics see the light of the true divines."

And before the day was done the Order of the Dragon Knights has had laid ruin to the Archdemons' hidden shrines and churches within the Kingdom of Hierax's domain.
Then on the following day, when the flames extinguished, an inquisition process in Heaven's reach started.
All those who were previously under the assumption that house Aeyeras would let them continue their heresy to the true gods where put up on the stakes.
And when Haratheth's sign stood highest, it was used to ignite their stakes.

Then, while the heretics burned, the church's Grandmaster spoke in front of the cathedral:

" From today on to the end of times shall we hunt down those who pray to Archdemons within our great Kingdom.
Never again shall their darkness engulf even a single citizen, and our church alone shall rule over religious matters in our great Kingdom's lands.
The Order of the Dragon Knights, shall be your and the gods sword and shield against the darkness the Archdemons try to spread throughout the world

Then the Grandmaster turned around and vanished into the cathedral leaving the plebs to enjoy the heretics death cries.
This day has henceforth been known as the great purge of Hierax and should become an annual festival never forgotten within the flow of time.
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Lord of Altera
More of a general statement as every time gods come up in any way on this server people start bursting out in laugher (rp), and then cry when the inquisition takes them down.
The best one was the guy who actually stood next to Haratheth during an RP and farted...(Seriously that happened)


Lord of Altera
More of a general statement as every time gods come up in any way on this server people start bursting out in laugher (rp), and then cry when the inquisition takes them down.
The best one was the guy who actually stood next to Haratheth during an RP and farted...(Seriously that happened)
Backstay, right?