Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Clarification on OOC chat.

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The OOC channel is the channel to go for Out of Character chat. However this becomes a problem when there are more than 15 people online. People start having several conversations at the same time and a lot of people have to leave the chat. In order to roleplay properly.

It's alright to have conversations when there are only few people online and not many people using the chat, but as more people come online we have to ask people to stop speaking in the OOC channel because it will otherwise become a big mess. That's when we say keep the OOC channel only for questions and announcements. An easy solution would be to remove the channel entirely, but we'd rather not !

The option to leave the OOC channel is always there for people too, just type /ch leave OOC. People can also create their own channel by typing /ch [name] and carry on their chitchatting there.
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