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Death_Crafter's Ban Appeal [Resolved-Bert]

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Death Crafter

Lord of Altera
So...I don't even know how to start this but here we go:

It was Saturday evening when a friend of mine asked me to show him that server I was always talking about, so yeah I played HollowWorld a bit showing him the "important" things and then I got a little "tired" so I started watching T.V. and I let my friend play on the server with one condition: He couldn't talk to anyone exept if they talk to him first and in that case he had to tell me who was he/she.

While I was watching t.v. he asked me a few "normal" questions like:

-Who's 2buggs? -He's a person I like to rp with...


-Whith who do you usually rp with? -Hmmm Tomtom guess...

Next day (Sunday) I was connecting to the server when I see the Ban Message, and it actually scared I decided to ask why in the Ban Appeals, that's when SallyPirate replied something about my bad language again...and things like that... I was so confused than I thought it was a strange joke o.o because I didn't say anything wrong. (so confused that I even deleted the thread, and I'm sorry for that) And that's when I started "distrusting" about what my friend did...

...So Monday, I talked to him at school:

-Hey do you remember HollowWorld?

-Of course!

-hmmhmm so you remember 2buggs aswell?


-Yeah? I got banned because of you!

-Really? Ohh I'm so sorry dude I thought I wouldn't be banned just because of was a joke...I even said "I hope the admins are not watching this"!

-*stupid face* What have you really done or said?!

-I might have said "sexual things" to 2buggs ...

- *sarcastic claps* Waw, thank you!...thank you...

-I'm sorry! ...why don't you make a ban appeal or something like that?

-Yeah..and what would I say?! "Hey it wasn't me who said that things it was a friend of mine!"...

-Well that's the truth so yeah...

-Yes but it sounds like a stupid excuse DON'T YOU THINK?!

-What do you want me to say?!

- ...nothing...actually, nothing...

(after school I was so bored without HollowWorld :( than I started saying goodbye to the people I enjoyed rp with...)

Okay and today is Tuesday...I decided to talk to my "friend" again...

-Listen, I'm sorry if I yelled at you yesterday...but, it is my favourite Minecraft server!

- I know that...and I'm sorry again, but I really think you should make a ban appeal!

-Saying what?!

-Well what really happened, the truth...I can even help you, if you want to...

-Well...okay...I think I could try atleast...I think they can't be that "meany" and I'ce nothing to lose, but it actually will sound like a stupid excuse like I said yesterday...

-Try...just try...

-Okay I'll tell you how it was tomorrow...

And that's ban appeal...I know it sounds bad...but it is the truth...I made that "mistake" once with tigrevillemur and I wouldn't do anything to be banned from my favourite Minecraft server again! (For me Minecraft is not the same without HollowWorld)

(ps: I'm so nervous than I am almost "crying" right now because for me...yes it is possible oh and I'm sorry admins/mods...If "I" offended the server or yourselves *hugs the admins/mods especially SallyPirate*)

Now, please be reasonable...I know it was my fault too because I let him play but...I trusted him...and now I know I souldn' the only thing I ask is please believe me and and try to consider all this^ in my ban because even if you don't believe or unban least you know what really happened and I feel better for that...


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
A temp ban for another week is in order. I don't believe your story but I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt considering your part in the roleplay wasn't that horrendous.
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