Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Demix Darksword


Lord of Altera
Name: Demix Darksword

Nickname/Alias: Shadow Walker (Because I stick to the shadows)

Age: 46

Gender: Male.

Race: Elven

Height: Six foot six.

Weight: 135 lbs.

Hair: Longish blonde hair that goes around elbow length. Just slopes down the back until meeting at a point. The front covers my forehead.

Eyes: I have one blue eye and one green one.

Skin: My skin is tannish but may change if I start spending time mining

Identifying Marks: I have one blue eye and one green eye. Almost always have a Siamese cat near me.

Appearance: I am tall and not very muscular. When people see me they don’t see a particularly evil person just a normal elf.

Alignment: Used to be evil but on the road to being good.

Strengths: I am adaptable and am just a comfortable fighting a skeleton as I am farming. I am a clever fellow with a spark of magical talent I hope to enhance.

Weaknesses and fears: Ihave a deep fear of fire due to humans burning down my town when I was young. Also I am not very trusting of humans. I am shy so most people do not know me.

Religion and cults: I believe in the Builder and the Moon as an entity without another name.

Profession: Used to be a bandit, and thief. I am looking to become a mage.

Background: When I was sixteen I went out to hunt with my pet Lux. While out hunting for my starving village I saw a deer, readied my always handy bow and shot it right through the heart. I came up to its body and knelt to pray for it.” I am sorry Moon that I shot one of your graceful creatures. The village is starving and our farm is not producing enough food for us. Our village will use all of it and shall respect it.” Getting up pants dirty I see that Lux has wondered off thinking nothing off my cats disappearance I carry the deer back to the village about halfway there I see my cat returning covered in ash and carrying my mother’s jeweled necklace. To my knowledge my mother had never taken off that necklace. Worried I run back to the village still carrying the deer when I get there all I see is ashes. The surrounding forest is silent as if grieving with me. I run to where my family’s house was and quickly search the ashes half hoping to find something. There! Under the remnants of our fireplace I see the sword I had been looking at for my birthday. I pick it up tears in my eyes and slide it into my scabbard. Walking towards the town hall I look in to the pond next to it and reach inside looking for the lever that would open up the entrance to the vault. Feeling the top of the rough handle I pull it. I walk into the ashes and see the stairs half expecting to see survivors come out and welcome me but deep inside I know that will never happen. I go in the vault and take the village’s emergency money and valuables knowing I am the only one left with any right to it. I look in the forest after walking out of the vault and go to the stables hidden deep in the forest. When I get there I let all the horses go except for my horse. Without saddling the horse I get on its back and ride to the nearest port city. Already thinking of going to Altera where I can get a fresh start.
-20 years later.
“Gimme my money Shadow Walker.” The ugly brute choking me yells in my face. I had spent all the money I had earned as a bandit and even some borrowed from this guy to try to get into the University of Altera. Finally finding a representative from there I gave him money for all of my tuition after he tells me I am college material. He tells me too meet him by the docks tomorrow morning. I arrive there hopeful but am disappointed that he doesn’t show leaving me in the situation currently facing me. The brute seeing I have no money starts punching me and that’s when I blissfully black out. I wake in a hospital. I see my clothes in the corner of the room I put them on and leave this town much as I left the one in Eden this time though with no horse and no money just a sword a cat and the apparel I am currently wearing. I will get into the college by doing honest work even if I have to march up to the doors and demand acceptance.

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