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Diago's Journal


It took a lot to get here
"Dear journal,

On the month preceding this entry:

It seems if there's a time to be alive its now. You will rejoice dear journal to learn of the success of my recent resolution. I've sold my cart in favor of purely adventuring, and I may once again rely upon odd jobs and sometimes strange jobs to make my coin once again. But now is not the time.

Instead I purely explore, and I'm secure in the notion that this is what it means to be truly free. Why, I can even enjoy "A Series of Risque Events" in the company of friends if need be. I must say, that while it is unlike me to make a person uncomfortable I've affected some air of openness I'd be dubious of myself.

I don't suppose I'd have to worry about making such an impression to be mistaken as someone ungrateful for how quickly I'd taken my leave of Storm's Landing. The tavern smelled of stagnation, and it put some fear in me for what I made of it. There's no way to express the dulling atmosphere of that tavern, so I'd resolved to take my leave of it as quickly as I could, and return later to explore the rest of the town.

It's a shame I never said any proper goodbye to Lucy, who so helpfully pointed me in the direction of the Slayer's Guild instead of the Ruby Isles. Effervescence . If my oblivious nature should continue to hinder my understanding of the world around it, would I have mistaken her for a street urchin for staying near her any longer? I'll not dwell upon it, for now, as I'd not thought twice before heading for the Queensport Ferry.

Upon reaching the Slayer's Guild I found a most impressive display for all the spiders heads on pikes and dogs in the courtyard. I'd normally be quite fast to dote on the canines but these seemed.. sturdy enough without the advances of a stranger to bolster their mood. I am content to admire from afar.

I'd been pleasantly surprised to find not one, but two elves inside of the establishment and no humans yet. Scardrac How disappointing it is, yet at the same time exciting to resolve to make my presence frequently known in the guild to add to the fun. Even then I'm sure they were all out adventuring or something, something I found the need to do quite soon, but first, I was fortunate enough to run into Eala. Niah

It seems to me the content of my favorite series is something that she may see as an acquired taste, so I'll make sure to procure a second copy as soon as I can. It is tempting to start up yet another venture peddling books that may not be found on the shelves of a library. Despite the author surviving the journey to the new world there's no appreciation enough to put her works on the shelves of .. well.

There are no bookstores as far as I know! Is this feeling one of regret? Perhaps I'll start selling books aside. I'm bound to amass a sizeable collection by the time I'm traveled enough to be sure. But I digress.

As quickly as I came I left, and my journey took me next to Crow's Perch, a frontier town where I assumed my cousin would be staying. Niko It's been a long time, and I am curious to see what he's been up to since.. quite some years I'll say!

There's something to say for a man who's neglected to write in his journal so long as to fill so many pages with the contents of one entry. Perhaps I'll be bold and space them out like this always. No sooner had I arrived in the quaint little hamlet had I heard the sounds of a harpsichord coming from the courtyard of the keep.

Just like my cousin that one, always with his patrician tastes. I cannot remember what became of our meeting, however. We met, embraced each other surely.

I can only assume from the time since I've met him I've passed out cold! What a time for my energy to give out. I'll go back to sleep and continue the entry another time.

- Diago Variclav"