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[Disease] Fuming Fever


Legend of Altera
Fuming Fever
  • Irritability
  • Inability to form coherent speech
  • Intense Fever
  • Random and Frenzied Attacking
  • Fits of Anger
  • Loss of Memory
  • Foaming of the Mouth

This disease is often contracted through contact with infected animals. Most often, it would be transferred via a scratch from the infected subject, which would later become infected and inflamed. Most mammals in Altera are susceptible to Fuming Fever, though it is often more pronounced in smaller animals. In humanoid races, the foaming of the mouth allows a person to largely be covered in the infected saliva and even blood from mouth-sores that are opened up. Scratches and cuts most often cause the disease to transfer to another humanoid creature, regardless of race. While contraction tends to be indiscriminate in nature, the progression and severity of the disease varies between races, which is covered later in the report.​

After the inflammation and infection set in, the subject develops an intense fever. Soon, if unrestrained, they will often leave anywhere they happen to be resting and begin to walk around. Subjects would suffer from a period of docile confusion, wandering around aimlessly without certainty of their bearings. After approximately 4 hours, the subject becomes enraged for no apparent reason, often attacking anyone unfortunate enough to be near them. Fortunately, the attack is one of frenzy, so they lack any fighting technique possessed by a coherent person. It has been noted, however, that the subject might handle a weapon to a minor extent, often swinging anything from a sword to a hammer to a chair with similar violent desperation. Approximately 2 hours later, the subject will fall into unconsciousness, where they will remain for approximately 1 hour if otherwise not roused.

Such a disease is difficult to treat, as both the disease and the patient will resist whoever tries to treat them. The best option is to run cool water over their head and keep them restrained for roughly 7 hours. If one encounters a person afflicted with the Fuming Fever who is in the docile stage, they should calmly lead them to a place where they might be restrained. Should the person already be in the violent stage, attempt to restrain at one's own risk. They will be extremely violent and attack almost desperately. Should the worst case become true, one should induce unconsciousness through blunt force to the head or immobilization of the body by attacking legs or arms. Beware of biting. Common healing potions usually only help to cause short periods of relative calmness and coherence, though they need to be frequently administered to even accomplish that.​
Racial Variations:

The disease has been most thoroughly studied in human victims. While their time passage averaged at 7 hours, times ranged from 3 hours to 3 days in the most and least severely affected human subjects. During fights, it is vital that one maintains range, as the transference between humanoid races is frequently noted to be biting or scratching. Dwarves, Greylings, and Orcs tend to suffer more violent and prolonged fits of anger, reportedly lasting for up to 5 days. This can cause significantly greater damage to both the victim and those they attack, due to the utter disregard for personal conservation by the frenzied victim. Elves, regardless of particular breed, have been shown to never pass a day at most, demonstrating passage times averaging at 7 hours, but with a far lower standard deviation. Elves also tend to be more weakened than enraged, occasionally giving up on the frenzy and taking a temporary calmness in the violence stage. Nakam will have similar methods of contraction to those of humans, with similar time duration, save for a higher tendency towards violence, potentially on a more self-destructive level.​
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Lord of Altera
This is a really good idea. There isn't actually any disease lore (as far as i'm aware) in the server. More disease lore should be written. This is a smart, practical and realistic thing that Altera lacks.


Legend of Altera
Ooh, another one...

... Rabies? That animal disease... isn't it? (I think thats right)

Seems similar!!
The intention was for it to be similar to rabies, but have a more behaviorally rooted effect on humanoid creatures. This one also passes in about 7 hours, unlike the normal disease, which kills you, so roleplayers will be more willing to accept being sick.


The intention was for it to be similar to rabies, but have a more behaviorally rooted affect on humanoid creatures. This one also passes in about 7 hours, unlike the normal disease, which kills you, so roleplayers will be more willing to accept being sick.
i'd sugggest making the time period variable.

Also you may want to consider how it would transmit not just from person to person, but race to race.. This also opens up who might be immune to it, or maybe just certain effects.

For example, it might be less severe, but lasts longer on an elf compared to human and so on.

(Just a suggestion!)


Legend of Altera
i'd sugggest making the time period variable.

Also you may want to consider how it would transmit not just from person to person, but race to race.. This also opens up who might be immune to it, or maybe just certain effects.

For example, it might be less severe, but lasts longer on an elf compared to human and so on.

(Just a suggestion!)
Updated the OP.


Retired Staff
This is a really good idea. There isn't actually any disease lore (as far as i'm aware) in the server. More disease lore should be written. This is a smart, practical and realistic thing that Altera lacks.

Daydream Fever was a big one :p


Lord of Altera
Back a while ago my old character got bitten by tavish, I roleplayed out pretty much exactly what this post described xD


Lord of Altera
I love this. And I have a question. Are Nakam more easily prone to getting this? Cause I understand that Nakam are slightly more evolved than the normal ocelot and such. And I was just simply wondering, cause I love your idea.