Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Dolos Atticus - Application [Declined - Niek Morenta]

1) What is your MINECRAFT username?
2) How old are you?
3) Where are you?
I'm located in the northwest United States in the state of Idaho.
4) Have you read our guides yet?
I have! Plenty of things to keep busy with, I'm sure I'll be referring to them often.
5) Introduce yourself!
My name is Sterling, I am not currently pursuing any kind of jobs or study in school. I left high school at a young age to go attend college
and was not pleased to find it was basically the same thing with older people. After that my pursuit has been inward, seeking personal
happiness and purpose. On this pursuit I have learned much of myself and others and it has led me to many of the hobbies I harbor today. I believe
us to be organic habitual machines and I enjoy tampering with the habits of the mind to experience new outcomes and skills. I have enjoyed the
experience of video games since I was a young child and have been immersed in varying RPG games since I was 8 years old. I enjoy games that are
like books, they pull you in and for a moment you forget who you are, you become consumed in the world of the character and open the mind to
a more open creative process. This open state brings awareness to certain regions usually not in focus and expands the functionality of the brain
while in such a state, this is why I enjoy experiences like that, it reduces stress, increases happiness, and improves reflection and contemplation.
Other hobbies include reading, drawing, hiking, and cultivation of sacred shamanistic plants as well as ritualistic consumption.

6) Got any examples of your work?
I have no saved examples unfortunatley, but medival building style has always been my preference.
7) Did you explore our world prior to your application?
I did! I completed the starter quest and explored around the crossroads and grove. Observed a RP situation with a suspected heretic, everyone I have observed
seems friendly and immersed.

8) Referrer: None to speak of.

About your character
Name: Dolos Atticus
Age: 27
Race: Halfling
The test: My eyes begin to flutter as the mind rouses itself, hazed by the flooding of senses after laying dormant in the void for what feels like days too many.
Trickling water lulls my body limp, gently caressed by the leaves beneath it. My mind fires pricks and jolts, attempting to pull the body from it's slumber, but it resists,
drifting lightly between the states of awake and asleep. I could drift in this moment forever, but the stench of nether is slowly creeping up my nostrils and I know that should I remain here,
my body may just remain here forever, never to rise from the leaves beneath. The world of sight roars in with a flash, as if the sun itself had come rushing into my eyes. Calmly but cautiously
I assess my sorroundings as they dim from light to form. The world around is unfamiliar, but it is in that that I find great comfort. No where have I found comfort like this.
As a child I had always struggled at home, the greed of the wealthy class left my family and many others in shambles. We were born into a system of control there, bound to certain careers
deemed fit for the lower class. This did not bode well with me as I sought adventure and excitement, not determinism and repetition. After so many years, bound to farming labor and religious
rituals, I grew discontent and anger for the wealthy around me and this discontent brewed deception in the minds eye. This deception spread itself amongst those around me, shadowing my true intent,
blinding them to that which lays before them. I began manipulating my way in to catering jobs for the upper class parties, knowing depths of wealth were present in every lingering pocket and drawer.
I stole hundreds of trinkets, gems, brooches, goblets, rings, silverware, and anything I could conceal inside my pocket and satchel. It was only after a few years that I began to notice that the things
I was stealing were leaving no impact on the wealthy class at all. Life hadn't changed for me with access to such petty treasures and life hadn't changed for those who lost them. It was at this realization
that I knew I had to do something drastic to create drastic change, and we needed drastic change. The current leader of my clan was in posession of a grand jeweled whip, passed down through religious ceremony
to the next leader of the clan, always the son of the last, pre determined before birth, it was a system of control, and the whip... It's enforcing tool. By the name of Sabaktes it was labeled, the very word striking
fear into those who know of it, for that power alone, it must be destroyed. Little did I know then, my vindiction would be my failure. On the night I went to claim my prize, my haste clouded my vision and my hate
diminished all intuition, for in my fog I had not seen the clan leader slip into his chambers just moments before my entry, and for that I have payed dearly. Upon breaching the chamber doors of the clan leaders bedroom,
I found him tainted and unfaithful, whip in hand cracking the air around it as it snapped sharply on flesh, but the moans that came from the flesh beneath were not of pain, but of pleasure. I had frozen in the doorway,
unable to reconcile the vision before me and unable at the time to see my own foolishness. As the clan leaders eyes scrolled unto me I had barely the time to draw my breath in before the whip was cracking down before me.
The first strike fell heavy on the floor before me, pulsing me back in what seemed to be force but was primal fear, I stumbled out the doorway backpeddling as quick as possible. My pursuer, now bare before me and closing in
with haste, I rushed towards an open balcony over the docks, loud cracks in the air as sharp jeweled tips snapped upon the ground followed short behind me. As I approach the balcony ledge it is hesitance that shuns me, for the moment I stood
in doubt before a leap of great height the whip cracks one more time, only this time digging deep into my upper brow and swiftly dragging across my left eye. I remember looking out through a bloody haze as I fell effortlessly
from the balcony, comforted by the grip of death, I thought it was the end... But I rise again, in unfamiliar setting, comfort and excitement within, hoping this life will be the first to live how I see fit.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Hello there! Many thanks for the application, but there's a few things I wanted to point out. The first thing I wanted to address was the adult content present. This is considered a PG-13 server, so the part with the clan leader in his chambers gave me pause. I would recommend reading over the Tome of Citizenship one more time to get familiar with Inappropriate Roleplay for the server. The second thing is that we ask whitelist applications not use violence, death, murder, etc. The test is about getting to know your skill as a roleplayer and about your character. If you want to re-write your test without the violence, that'd be great. Lastly, which is just a minor thing- Jeweled whips are a bit unusual feature to read about in a test. I'm not sure on the practicality or construction of such a thing. I'd recommend, if you insist on leaving the whip as a feature, making it something a bit more practical.

If you'll just edit things up and let me know you understand about the inappropriate roleplay, I'll gladly give it another look. Reply to this thread when you've finished.