Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Dorian Drake


Name: Dorian Drake
Nickname/Alias: Drake

Age: 28
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6 foot
Weight: 140 pounds
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark green
Skin: Olive/Tanned
Identifying Marks: His Mossy green eyes
Appearance: Tall dark and handsome
Strengths: his i skilled in stealth and swords but has been know to use a bow if a last resort. He was brought up on the streets and know how to survive on them. Getting in and out of places is his speciality. He enjoys building secret passage ways and traps.
Weaknesses and fears: He fears being helplessly trapped and dislikes bowmen.
Religion and cults: Jax gives him luck
Profession: Swords master, enchanter and builder.
Back story:
The night is dark and rain is falling the only light is from the streets lights that line the street. The buildings are all owned by the wealthy and noble. A small man in a dark robe with a hood walks down the street to a house and knocks.
“Knock…knock….knock….” This is the easy part. “Knock….Knock….Knock” After you have done what I’ve done so many times you forget to feel guilty about all the people’s lives you have destroyed because of that one action ….the one you can never take back. “Knock….Knock…..” “Hold on a bloody minute” “It isn’t even first light and already some halfwit thinks to wake me up” it’s simple kill, disguise, poison. A big man opens the door “what in name of Vermella do you want?” the small man gulps and says in a low voice “I have news from the king” the big man looks left and right suspiciously then says “come inside”. It took me not even 30 seconds to get on the low roof of the house. I look up and saw the crescent moon so I pray to the nameless one for the wisdom to guide me through this long night. I listen through the window above where the men are sitting. And watch. “….why should I do that I have enough gold and enough wives what could i possibly get for cook for him” the small man signs and pulls out a scroll “His grace will give you a lordship-” the big man buts in “An empty lordship with no land!!!!” the small man raises his voice and says “His grace is having a tournament to see who the best lancer is in the entire realm and the best cook. Whoever wins best cook will receive a lordship over all the fertile lands next to the Stromburry river.” The big man looked amazed and said “When will his grace have need of me?” the small man replied “Tomorrow will be when the tournament is held so I suggest you start preparing your meal now.” The big man stood up and said “Tell his grace I will make the finest dish he will ever taste” the small man stood up relieved and said “His grace will be very pleased to hear it” After the two men finished talking the small mand handed the big man the scroll and then the small man left. Straight away the big man started getting all the pans and pots ready to cook. It took him 2 hours to finally make the dish and by that time it was almost dawn with the newly born son peeking over the horizon. When I saw that he was finished I quickly vaulted down through the window into the room where the men sat when they were chatting. As I landing I hit the ground with a little thump which the fat man didn’t seem to notice. The room was filled with large chairs with giant cushions and in the centre was the table where the two men talked it was a long round table enough to fit ten men around it yet it only had two seats. I glanced through the dark wooden arch into the kitchen knowing my target, the fat man, would be in the there. As I slide my sword down out of its sheath I heard a sound like someone sharpening a kitchen knife. I slowly crept through along the floor until I reached the arch. As I stuck my head through the arch I saw my target standing over a bench sharpening the knife. So I continued creeping along until I was right behind him. Somehow I knew he saw me at that very instant I knew I had to duck and it was lucky I did because 1 second later he whirls around with a long sword in his hand and starts chopping wildly at me. I could tell from his body langue that he was no train swordsman. Every swing he made was deflected by my sword yet every one of my swings left red mist in the air above his chest yet it did not seem to slow him. Just as he raised his sword to do a devastating downward chop I saw my chance and opened up his belly form rib to rib. His intestines came flooding out like and oceans of worms I knew then I had to get the dish, the scroll and get out of there. The sun was halfway above the horizon as I left the house so no one could see me sprint off across the roofs. When I arrived at the castle there were guards patrolling the gates and the walls people were everywhere yet no one seemed to get inside….it was only when I showed the a guard the scroll was I escorted in the castle. Inside I was told to place my dish on the table on the king’s table overlooking the jousting arena. It was there I bent over the dish and dropped in a pinch of night lock which took 2 hours to kill someone which should give me plenty on time to watch the jousting. When the jousting the finished I quickly escaped the jousting arena and managed to get through the main gate. I had already made plans to go by the road but realised it would be to easy to be catched so I decided to escape by boat. The vouge was meant to be a peaceful one that was until midway through the vouge when we got stuck in the middle of a storm and as the lightning was flashing and winds lashing I got knocked over board. As I sunk below the dark waves in the freezing water I saw all the peoples faces whose lives I have ruined a thought I am going to hell at least it will be warm.