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By Ketterer Kunst

When one thinks of Earth, their first instinct is likely that of the ground below their feet. The rolling hills, the calm land that they build their home upon. The mountains that touch the sky, and the treacherous cliffs that only the mightiest birds can ascend.


Earth is the foundation of our world; from the dirt that our crops grow in, to the walls that protect our homes.
The world is made of Earth, from the bottom of the ocean to the tallest mountain. An earth elemental can choose to live most anywhere, but the most common is where earth is exposed to the raw sun. If there is a lack of excessive floral life, such as sand or a tundra, the earth there is more likely to become the domain of an elemental. It is far more rare for an earth elemental to choose to live in a dense forest or jungle, and they prefer to avoid civilization as best as they can.

Commonly found in: Deserts, Caves, Caverns, Steppes, Canyons, Plateaus, Hills, Mountains


We shape our weapons from it, it is how we till our soil. The Earth can become anything that the mortal mind makes it, so why couldn’t the earth itself choose what it wants to be?
An earth elemental could have a domain over most forms of earth, and aren’t entirely restricted to just stone. Crystals, iron, and even sand are all forms of earth; therefore an elemental could claim such a resource as their domain. Those are just a few types of domains that fall under the overlap of Earth, so it’s not unlikely to see a different type of elemental.

The form an earth elemental chooses to take is often not the same as what it actually looks like. Elementals have control over their domain, and can mold it like clay into an Avatar. These avatars can be the size of a mortal, or the entirety of their form. It is these avatars that are what are normally seen when a mortal encounters an elemental.

That being said, the different Tiers of an elemental only have a domain to a certain size. After they reach that threshold, scholars and researchers classify them as a stronger and more notable elemental. That doesn’t mean that they’re necessarily forced to be that size, they could be larger until they have reached the lowest point of the previous tier. In that sense, Fledglings often have the smallest domains, nearing the size of a medium to large sized boulder. They can grow their domain to the point of a hill, until they are classified as a Noble.

At this point, it becomes significantly harder to measure and track the true size of an elemental’s domain. An elemental is not a singular being that’s power encompasses the entirety of a mountain range, instead they often merge together and become Kin. As an elemental reaches Lordly and above, they’re more likely to have kin that combined together have one singular domain. While kin are originally separate elementals, they become a singular being and are simply subcomponents of the true elemental they become.

In terms of the size of the domains these Kin hold, they are easily the largest whilst also having the most room to grow. Lordly elementals have domains the size of entire foothills, up until they are a mountain. Princely elementals reach that tier as the mountain becomes their domain. It has been theorized that a Royal earth elemental could encompass entire mountain ranges; but there is no record of ever having met an earth elemental of that tier.



Some say tradition is only proper if it is carved in stone, for that is the only way it will never truly be forgotten.
Earth elementals are known to carry a set of similar traits and behaviors that are distinct to this type of elemental; but most often change in these traits the older they are. They are often described as proud, confident and stalwart. Traditional and headstrong.

Fledglings are often best defined as proud. They see themselves as better than other elementals, but would also stoop down from that pride to bury them in stone if they were given a reason. They carry confidence and are assured in their path to growing, and will take any power they see fit. Once their eyes have landed on a target, they will see no other option.

Nobles carry this same pride into their behavior, but with the added effect of the confidence their size has given them. They are assured by their growing lifespan, and carry themselves in a way to always grow in power. If they see something within their grasp, they will take it with no second thoughts.

Lordly elementals are when things take a turn from purely confidence in one’s power. Having found kin, they often are more stalwart, loyal. One cannot grow in a day, and with the added support of allies they find themselves working together with their domain to crush any in their path. The pride found in earlier elementals is still there, but they also know their place in the world; they are no mountain.

Princely and Royals carry all of the traits of the previous tiers. They are proud, confident, and loyal to their kin. They are more traditional and stuck in their ways, headstrong when spoken too and often unwilling to audience any mortal. In the few records of having spoken to an elemental of this power they are described as a powerful crushing intent, one that would bury the mortal should they have said anything wrong.

B O O N S & B A N E S


Have you ever tried to shape an Ingot? That little bar of metal can barely shape without heat! That’s why we make our pickaxes strong, to break through the stone walls that hide our prizes.
Earth is not something easily broken; it is the foundation of the world for a reason. When one thinks of the strengths of earth, there are unlimited possibilities. It is unwavering, and can hold strong against nearly everything. To break stone, one must have the proper tools to do so. All earthen elementals have this natural strength built into them, and it only grows with their size. How does one fight a mountain?

Although some elementals, such as ones who’s domains are of sand, are more niche and harder or easier to counter, most elementals have a simple weakness. They are vulnerable to the ever changing temperatures of the world. Too hot, and they become easily bent and can be shaped just like a sword fresh out of a forge. Too cold, and their earthen forms become brittle and more likely to break rather than dent or bend. As the elemental becomes larger, these are obviously less effective and more likely to be unphased by the temperature on such a small part of their domain.



It could’ve crushed us in an instant, if it wanted too. I don’t know why it just sat there.. Looking at us like we had fascinated it by our presence.
Elementals of Earth have complete control over their domain, no matter how small or large that domain is. Albeit such a fact, they cannot simply float a rock above someone’s head. They are restricted to gravity, physics and any other natural order the world has set in place just as any other being that lives upon it.

That being said, the earth itself can move at the whim of the elemental. Remove the wrong foundation and the whole house crumbles down; and that is the same for the world itself. Landslides, Earthquakes.. The scale of the elemental matters, but they can rip the world apart with their domain should they choose.


As always, lore found within this thread is not to be used to metagame. Public knowledge on elementals is minimal, but it does exist. Roleplay to the correct level of your character.

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