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[Earthspawn capital] Zuk'Thar

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
(Not a new city, just a new thread).

Dera'Ko Oguk Pakgu the first, King of the Earthspawn.

Noble house:

History of Zuk'Thar:
Zuk'Thar, home to the Earthspawn. The very first Zuk'Thar having been built over two centuries ago. This is the third Zuk'Thar. The first was built deep in a forest at the foot of a mountain by a large river, hidden away from the rest of civilzation so the Earthspawn could live by themselves, building huts in the forest by the water and digging deep tunnels inside the mountain. It was however destroyed in war. The second Zuk'Thar was built in the exact same spot but with extra fortification to defend itself. Then, due to another Exodus everyone was forced to flee to another world to escape destruction. This is when the current Zuk'Thar, the one in existance today was built.

After the Earthspawn had moved to this new world they decided the best place to settle, where nobody would bother them was somewhere nobody really wanted. They decided on an area that is dangerous, covered in volcano's and lava, sonewhere only true warriors like the Earthspawn could survive. What was known as the "Wasteland biome".

It's best to note we only accept Earthspawn, Greylings and close friends of Oguk may be given an exception.

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King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Right now, we need builders more than anything. Shame our 2 best builders left the server :(

I guess we'll have to hire people or something!