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Elfa Hansdotter -- In-depth Character Sheet


Lord of Altera
why did you suspect Thannis when I left no witnesses or evidence at all, bar a Jishrim sigil?
That's the result of extensive research and interviewing on my part. In fact, I had originally never suspected Thannis at all: I suspected Corpse-Eater. It was after finding the falchion with the bloody handle which Elfa identified as coming from Zima'Maloj that I added Thannis and Raven to the list of suspects, as they're the only ones Elfa is aware of that have a connection to Zima. Note, this is not incriminating evidence at all, it just added two potentials. So, Elfa went to Zima to speak to Nireth, and Raven was there. He had found the house as well, and his investigation lead him to believe it was Thannis (I did not ask how he came to this conclusion), and he confirmed it was definitely not corpse-eater. As that was one of the people on my suspect list, Elfa felt stronger about it being him. Then, Elfa went to Azerport to speak to Maplehoof, and it was then she dissociated for the first time. I'd flipped a coin to see which of the two people (Thannis or Raven) child-Elfa would've thought the murderer was, and it landed on Thannis. That's the story she stuck with when she dissociated back into Elfa.

In other words, I came to Thannis on a coin flip.


Lord of Altera
That's the result of extensive research and interviewing on my part. In fact, I had originally never suspected Thannis at all: I suspected Corpse-Eater. It was after finding the falchion with the bloody handle which Elfa identified as coming from Zima'Maloj that I added Thannis and Raven to the list of suspects, as they're the only ones Elfa is aware of that have a connection to Zima. Note, this is not incriminating evidence at all, it just added two potentials. So, Elfa went to Zima to speak to Nireth, and Raven was there. He had found the house as well, and his investigation lead him to believe it was Thannis (I did not ask how he came to this conclusion), and he confirmed it was definitely not corpse-eater. As that was one of the people on my suspect list, Elfa felt stronger about it being him. Then, Elfa went to Azerport to speak to Maplehoof, and it was then she dissociated for the first time. I'd flipped a coin to see which of the two people (Thannis or Raven) child-Elfa would've thought the murderer was, and it landed on Thannis. That's the story she stuck with when she dissociated back into Elfa.

In other words, I came to Thannis on a coin flip.
Praise be to Jax. For it is actually he, who is god of justice.


Lord of Altera
Making updates to my char sheet and cleaning things up. Also, adding explanation on some people to give a bit of history or Elfa's opinion of them.


Puppycat Herder
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Som was like the first person Elfa met. Not after Therry died. Harumph.