Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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enough backstory


Lord of Altera
that's it. we've established a lot, and I mean a lot. enough for pesants to get confused catching up with everything. it's time for someone to do something epic! get the peeps somewhere, do something. or maybe that's already happened, and I'm just a recluse...

anyway, I'm tired of no one responding to my quest, and I feel there should be someplace where we can check for role-playing opportunities. or, you know, just pay more attention to quests. I just feel like most of the stuff happening is setup, setup, setup.

one of the important things that drives a good story is conflict. Personally, I feel people are a bit too nice around here. now, ooc niceness is a good thing, something we should all strive for, but we need some villains around, you know, like Kitz. evil mastermind at it's best. also, it's kind of jarring when I'm playing an elusive WEREWOLF that's bleeding out of every open wound, and when people see my char for the first time, they're like "hi" (I get that not everyone knows about my char. I've been trying to make my skin obviously montrous to go "hint hint," but it still happens). shouldn't people be scared or freaked or something? :/

if any of this is already in consideration, just let me know, and if I've been a bit rude or egocentric, let me know.


Lord of Altera
i agree, even though most people are naturally nice and dont know how to be mean in a good way
>.> like me