Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Lord of Altera
*There would be posters in several locations across the Port Silver, and Riddleport*​
Are you a bard..?
A dancer..?
Or have a entertaining trick..?
If so we are looking for you!
The Riddleport Theatre Guild is looking for able Entertainers!
From the Loveliest Singers, to the most Wonderful bards, Talking with us would grant you a opportunity to show everyone your voice!
Dancers who are looking for a way to show off not only there body, but there skill, will have their wishes met!
Those with the art of making everyone pay attention to them, and have others hang off there every word, Actors will get the chance to persaud crowds, tell great stories, and entertain others!.
Contact the Riddleport Theatre Guild in Riddleport Theater
This is a chance to be part of the next Banquet, and future endeavors. For more information contact me on the forums or in game​
To Join you have to make your way to the Riddleport Theatre Guild Organization page!​
brought to you by The Riddleport Theatre Guild