Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Berkut♟|The Forlorn One


Legend of Altera
WIP | very barebones
Berkut will be my next main character after Reinhard
Thematic Symbols for profile:♞♟️♠♥⚔⚖☛☉⚘⛑✘ ♝♚ ][⚉�෴

The Forlorn

⊱<≽Voice EMPTY≼>⊰
[ Theme song ]

〘†〙The Path
]†[♚]†[♜☛ ⥼-. ._⨨_ . .♟️ . _†♝__‗ .-~––=

" At the behest I went on path, and every single step I pray -- that it's not astray. . .
But Thunder streaks through where it wants, -- am I of Thunder?
I know not, -- but one for certain -- where it lands, - there is a strike that leaves a mark, --
Even if evanescent is itself . . . "

At crossway, of faith and death,
What lies ahead - concealed, - though when looking back - it's all the same
Made equal by the fog, -- for memories can't help the past, - and imagination lacking for the future.
Made equal like all men in death, -- are they though?
Faith tells not, - there is Kilrox or Crusade in charge, -- but would true faith beget a question, - make me hesitate?
Now, pensively profound, I stand, hammered into ground like signpost, -- or a cross before a grave,
Awaiting for a storm to uproot me out, and cast, where I should be -- for Force rules the World
Over mortal or immortal

〘†〙Your first glances
The style

The Raven of Buhenofflt
Banner: Black raven flying over Last Quarter Moon

Berkut's name is known to a select few, - immediate family and his closest companions, - who number few. Rather, - if known at all, - he is referred to as the Raven, the Raven of Buhenofflt --

〘†〙 Personality qualities and flaws

⬤ Reserved –

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