Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Completed Exchange [05/25/2024] 2:00pm EST


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
A scourge of blue flame rakes through the Hinterlands, held back by the cult of Kilrox to let the burning turn to naught. Those in the distance could see not just the blue flame, but a bright azure storm above it. The charred scent of flesh and ash carries on the air throughout the plains. Those nearer heard music. Drums. The stamping of hooves.

Songs are sung of the "Field of Fire" borne amid the tourney of Kilrox. A raven that eclipsed the sun, a tilt of family, and a stalwart bear that held a shield high.

The deal was forsaken, so too were oaths sworn. Equipment and livestock were sundered as well as lives--there was glory that day, but there is no glory in war.

Hostages & Cultists Saved/Freed:
  • Thane Nicolette, the Knightess.
  • Charity & Chastity, young girls serving as squires to Thane Nicolette to spare them slavery.​
  • Sir Warburton Wainwright "The Horned Knight", a man possessed. Brother of Warwick.​
  • Sir Warwick Wainwright, devotee of the late Hedlund, spared humiliation by Yelena.​
  • Lady Liselle Masterly, a minor noble that lost her arm in the maelstrom.​
  • Sir Liston Long, a knight absent half his fingers. From the cheering crowd.​
  • Darling Devora, a courtesan and bard.​
  • Squires Boris Biggs, Nolan Fletch, Leslie Cliff & Piper Masterly.​
  • Lauren Wainwright, a wetnurse with her newborn child.​
In the exchange:
  • Garland's "warship" siege engine was lit aflame.
  • Someone nabbed his prized lute.
  • Livestock and siege weaponry were obtained by the cult.
  • Garland sang his little song.
  • Halvar Varyn was named honorary "Thane" among the Kilroxians.