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Explanation and Apology [Resolved - Unbanned]

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Lord of Altera
I was banned from the server on the 19th of June for using X-Ray. Now I know this looks bleak, but allow me to explain. My brother lives in the UK, I live in the US, so periodically, he'll come and visit me. On this particular day, a Wednesday, I went to the store, leaving my brother in my house to watch my dog, and I let him use my PC. When I came home, he called through from the PC room to me,
"Hey Tom, I got you loads of diamonds on that RP server!"
At first I was happy, I thought he had got them legitimately. It was only when I walked into the room and saw that he was using some X-ray mod to see the diamonds through the earth.
Now, why should you believe this? It could all be lies. You'll just have to take my word for it. But think about this, I've been a member of this community for almost two years, albeit, not the most vocal member, but a member nonetheless. Why would I suddenly now start to disobey the rules and regulations i've been following for so long? I can't apologise enough for what happened, I assure you, if I am un-banned, it won't happen again (don't forget my brother lives 3000 miles across the atlantic). I'm certainly more careful with the 'remember me' buttons these days.
Thank-you for your consideration, if you feel I don't deserve to be on the server anymore, then thank-you for the great times i've had on this server. I'll miss it, deeply.
Tom DeLaCruz


Lord of Altera
I'd also like to add that I understand that my account is my responsibility, and I can't change what's already happened, but I have completed appropriate actions to prevent a repeat of this.


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
You knew "he" X-rayed and yet, you did not ask a staff member to check what "he" mined so they could undo the illegal bounty?


Lord of Altera
There's a bit of a problem with your story Kyrastacus, while I don't doubt that you regret it, your account xray'd once before as well.

Does your brother play on your account a lot? Does he know a lot about the server and places?


Lord of Altera
If he's used it before, I'm unaware of it. The point is he can't anymore, nor can anyone else for that matter. I apologise for what happened, and can guarantee it won't happen again. I understand it's a tough decision to make, allowing a rule-breaking account back onto the server, but you have to hear me out; this server was the only reason I played Minecraft, without it, this game is useless to me. Whether you think my story stands true or not, the remorse is there.
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