Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Fergus Wright


Storm's Landing Wanderer

Name: Fergus Wright
Full Titles: Fergus The Artist, The Tattooist etc.
Nickname/Alias: Ferg, Dopey.



Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Dirty, Filthy Human
Social Status: He is a tattoo artist, he draws on people.
Sexuality: Straight
Height: 5’10’
Weight: "What's Weight...?"
Date of Birth: "Wait its on me somewhere…" *Frantically searches his various tattoos to look for the one with his D.O.B.*
Date of Death: “HAH!” screams Fergus “I Haven't died yet! You can't trick me!
Homeland: “Dude, i literally have no idea.”
Current Home: Deciding on that part… (Tossing between Thiil @IceandFire and Golden Bay @Tomato150 )
Build: Thin, hardly any muscle.
Hair: Black dreadlocks
Eyes: Dark Blue
Skin: Tan-ish
Identifying Marks: His skeleton necklace, there ‘cause it looks cool man~, light Stubble, A tattoo of a dragon on his back (Random reference to Movie) Snake going down his left arm, finishing at his palm, Phoenix on his right inner arm, Red pattern on back of right arm.
Appearance: Slightly dopey looking, always smiling, eyebrows usually perked up
Clothing: Yes (Black denim jacket, simple grey shirt, Black vest)
Weaponry: “Uhh, my tattoo needle?”
Prized Possessions: Necklace
Hygiene: Standard
Voice: Very… Relaxed
Strengths: His Art
Fears: Earth Spawn, Cats, Spiders, Swords, Nwalme,
Weaknesses: ^^, A bad tattoo
Intelligence: Mild to low
Languages: English, Elven-ish (From giving tats in elven)
Profession: Tattoo artist
Personality: Relaxed, Nice person
Religion or Cults: “Religion requires me to get up and stuff…”
Alignment: “Alignment?”
Short Term Goals: “Make awesome tattoos man!”
Long Term Goals: “Make awesome tatt- oh.. wrong question. To start teaching tattooing to people…”

Place: The Tattoo parlour
Pastime: Tattooing randoms with whatever's in his head (Gets him in trouble)
Food: “Milkshakes… yeah…”
Drink: “ Sweets and stuff” (^^Was intentional^^)
Colour: Black/Green
Animal: He has a strange obsession with chickens (Not sexually you dirty minded people)
Least Favourite...
Place: Near Earthspawn (Not Racistly)
Pastime: ^^
Food: “Cats.. wait, wrong question again… Chicken”
Drink: Ye’ olde mountain dew.. wait… no... Light beer
Colour: “All colours are cool”
Animal: “Wolves and cats man.. they eat chickens!”
Loved: No one yet
Trusted: “Everyones cool, even Nwalme… even if hes scary”
Befriended: ^
Liked: ^
Unsure of:
Wary of:
Afraid of: Earth Spawn, because he scares easily. (Not racistly)
Hated: “Hates a strong word man!”
BACKSTORY: I’m going to make this in an interview type thing, to capture his personality more… i can change this if you all want...
Ferus “Oh where up to this part! Cool! Well, about me… there isn't much to tell man.”
Interviewer “I’m a woman”
Fergus “You are? Cool! Anyway, my names Fergus. I guess you want to hear about my sick tattoo’s right? Well, for that we have to go, like, waay back. It started when i was, what, 10? I started drawing awesome things at that age, like dragons! And chickens! Eventually I did a tattoo on this random guy i found. He totally thought i was a professional. He asked me for his daughters name on his back, so i went to work and produced still to this day my favourite art piece.
(as far from "daughters name" as you can get XD)
Yeah, he beat me up, but he went home with an awesome tattoo. And he didn’t get his daughters name on his back…”
Interviewer “You gave him the wrong tattoo on purpose?”
Fergus “Yeah. I Mean, it was an awesome tattoo!
Interviewer “I can see why he beat you up…”
Fergus “ Really? Why?”
Interviewer “You gave him the wrong tattoo.. you realise they’re permanent right?”
Fergus “Admittedly.. not at the time…”
Interviewer “Anyway, go on…”
Fergus “Yeah then i started making them for randoms on the street… Got myself enough cash to get a shop, and, well, i've been there ever since!
Interviewer “Is it good being a tattoo artist?”
Fergus “Hell yeah! I get to put drawings onto people, and i get paid for it! *Goes for a high five*
Interviewer “I don't think so. we should keep things professional”
Fergus “Dude, I’m a professional at high fives!”
Interviewer “I don't think you understand what im saying”
Fergus “Hey man -”
Interviewer “I'm a woman”
Fergus “Well your a rude one!” *Gets up out of seat*"NO HIGH FIVE FOR YOU” *storms out of y, room*
Interviewer “What… Just.. Happened?”

Ok so just to clarify and stuff... I was bored at school so I decided to make a Backstory for him. To be read aloud by Morgan Freeman

Ah, the story of Fergus Wright. Upon meeting this fellow you would assume he is either insane or is constantly drunk. This is not the case with Fergus. He started life like most did, his mother birthing him. Upon starting his life Ferguses parents thought there was something... Off about the way he acted. From an early age Fergus was quite content sitting inside drawing various things. Now, whilst this behavior is tolerated throught the human community, and by his parents, the things that Fergus drew in his spare time where... Interesting. He didn't draw knights, or flowers, or swords. No, Fergus drew skeletons and flames and dragons. Whilst this activity was strange for a four year old boy, his mother was baffled by how much detail went into the drawings. The dragons scales were coloured perfectly, the swords casts shadows down the wall which it leant against.
"Son, may we ask what your drawing?" His parents would say with mild confusion.
"It's an arrow through a skull mum! Look at it!" Fergus would shout in return.
Years would go by and Fergus’s drawings would only get better and better. His parents would eventually stop worrying about his drawings, yet start worrying about their sons choice of attire and 'style' as he would call it. He would wear black. A black t shirt, void of any colour. A darker black of a vest, pockets laced around the shoulders and chest. His hair was frayed into the dreadlocks fashion, much to his mom's dismay. He got piercings on his lips, ears and eyebrows. One would call him weird, different or even scary looking. Physically, yes. Fergus's choice of wear made him look fearsome, yet mentally he was still a child. Fergus would frequently draw on himself, he would stick his tongue out at people he didn't like and would yell "lalalalala" when trying to ignore someone. Yes that Fergus sure had it good. He was living In A dangerous world carefree. His world would continue improve when he met a peculiar man who taught him to draw In a way that was permanent. That allowed him to draw on people's skin. He taught him how to tattoo. Fergus took this knowledge, made his own needle, and started drawing on people. He drew on his dog, he drew on the neighbours dogs. He drew on his parents and he drew on his friends. At the time, Fergus was oblivious to the fact that his lovely drawings were permanent. Soon he would find out that, drawing a poo on his friends and trying to rub it out didn't work. He tattooed himself with random things as well. The first thing that came into his head went down onto the paper, then onto the first willing passerby. He soon became famous for his amazing drawings that he gave for free to the people. The community loved him, and he loved the community. They started paying for their various tattoos, contrary to Fergus's demands. They would raise enough money to buy him a shop, wich he would be ever grateful. That is were the tatto artist would stay. Living his life in peace and happiness.
EDIT - (I must say, this story thing was harder to write than I initially thought. I don't write happy, time extended short stories if I can help it. Usually there dark and span across a short time period, yet the actual word count is a lot higher. This is not up to the standards I would have hoped for. I tried going in the opposite direction with this one, having a go at doing something that isn't morbid and bloody and is honestly abit out of my comfort zone... I don't even know if I succeeded with that... Also, I'm legitimately going to give you guys tattoos. I'm making a new skype account for this character, so send your skins in and I shall give thee tattoos!)
Heavy Inspirations - Finbar Wrong - Skulduggery Pleasant
Light Inspirations - Shaggy Rogers - Scooby-Doo, Homer - Simpsons, Bender - Futurama, Myself - Real Life...

My in-game name is: BleenThePanda
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Storm's Landing Wanderer
Fergus now has slight head trauma, due to an. . accident. He has all of his motor skills still, but he doesn't really know what hes saying, or will make up random things for no reason. It will take him time to recover from this. . .