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The Past.

He stumbled into town, forgetting where he was as the torches blinded him. He collapsed in pain from the arrow in his right shoulder, and as he regained his sight, he swore to never allow his back to be turned to the enemy, but to forever be waiting just out of sight, to strike, with what ever means necessary, at his opponents weakest moment. A man approached, reaching out a hand in aid. Ferreum grasped it and was lifted up onto his feet, yet he stumbled. The man held on, holding him up firmly, taking the weight Ferreum couldn't.
"Welcome to Alethkar", the man spoke, with a weight so heavy on his shoulders that he seemed to be forever stooped over.
"Alethkar? Alethkar... I've heard that name before. The Knights Radiant?"
"Yes, The Knights Radiant. I am Axex. Commander", the man replied, placing Ferreum on his own two feet. Dizzy for a moment, but rapidly regaining the awareness he had gained from years as a street urchin in Port Silver, Ferreum adjusted himself to the town around him. It was spectacular. A fortress looming large in the centre of town, was surrounded by small shop's and houses. Not a large town, but what was there was astonishing indeed.
"My name is Hroth", Ferreum instantly assumed an identity he had rehearsed, in the slightly slurred accent of a Northerner. Hroth was a fisherman that had washed up ashore as a boy, and grown up living off the land, fighting back the spiders and zombies of the night.
"Hroth? Hroth... No, you're definitely not a Hroth. Hroth is a fisherboy, struggling to make ends meet, you do not seem like a Hroth. Why do you lie to me man? Why do you lie when I have pulled you from the ground. And that arrow, stop whining and pull that arrow out". Ferreum pondered, how had this man disassembled his disguise so ruthlessly. He pulled the arrow out of his shoulder and cast it aside, onto the pull of mud, that reflected his guise. An old man looked back, he was, in reality, just past 50, but with dishevelled looks that made him seem as if he lived twice his years.
"Truly sir, you have caught me in a web of deceit. I shall not try to hide myself when a man of your intelligence is around. I am Ferreum. I have peculiar talents. Talents that are best not mentioned in public. I assume a man of your stature needs someone with these talents? I ask for nothing more than your protection,"
"Ferreum. Yes, that does suit you. Talents you say? Yes, withdraw to my chamber, we shall discuss this further in private, where the listening ears and keen eyes of Altera's nobility do not wait on every corner. Alethkar is empty, but not even an empty town is free of the spy's of the dark"



Ferreum awaited the reply from Jhug. Jhug was never the smartest of Ferreum's agents, but he sometime had news of a curious sort. It was a few mere weeks ago that Jhug had reported the increasing number of monster's approaching from the North. He had said he received the information from a farmer. That farmer had paid for that information with his life. The news Ferreum received was news for Ferreum alone. Ferreum had relayed this news to Axex, and it had given Axex the warning he needed to prepare the Knights. The Knights assumed Ferreum was a low standing secretary to Axex. A man Axex had taken in off the road. They never understood that Axex's power, his battle cunning and preparation, his source of information, was the assistant they took no notice of, and disregarded so easily. Axex approached Ferreum, closing the gap quickly.
"Your recent report was accurate. I want a 5% increase on the revenue from the South", Axex demanded. 5% increase on the South meant that Axex demanded information on the activities of the kingdoms to the South. Ferreum pondered, he knew the perfect person. Looks like Loukt would be getting a pigeon.
"Yes your Lord. Sir, if I could borrow a second of your time for a personal question?"
"What is it Ferreum, I have things to do. Come, my office". Axex hated to speak to Ferreum, alone, in public. He could not afford to pay Ferreum any more attention than any of his other servants. He had to pay him less than his Knights. Axex wondered why he had never raised Ferreum to a member of the Council of 9. Axex's office, his study, was imposing. He had the banners of the of armies he had crushed, as well as the heads of the many zombies, spiders, skeletons and creeper's he had managed to slaughter, mounted around the room. His suit of shining armour was dented by the arrows and blasts of monsters.
"I have a... let's say a friend, approaching soon. Please, allow him access to my office as soon as possible. Allow none to bear arms to Jhug. He is, how do I say, a fallible personality. Excuse his behaviour"
"Fine, fine. What ever. He is welcome to your chambers, and none shall cease his passage. Now go. And I want the reports on the South! As soon as possible!", Axex's final command followed Ferreum down the passage. Now, to find Jhug...