Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Finished ''For the Sun God!''


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
Im sure magnus never knew either, pm me the exact location so I know if I actually did tell you xD


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
Why would I have ever shown him them? they were used on two people ever. I showed a few people it OOC but in character I can only think of 3 people who could even know they exsist in RP. Magnus would have no memory of them as he died there and Nwalme wasn't at either of those events.


Roleplay keeper
Uh-oh.. I can't say I'm excited for this, well I am but I also feel a certaint fear.. Because I know, people are going to die greatly.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
"How is it justice if you make people believe in something they do not want to. The very god you worship will unleash upon you for this heresy. Harateth will have your head!"

I like the sound of this! :D It's a pity I haven't noticed any of this in OOC chat or Rp :/ Maybe because I don't rp much and my character lives rather secluded from the busy streets and people. Can't wait to see this stuff in action Valonyx! :D


Lord of Altera
First of all, its not a specific event, its a full campaign.
Secondly, it's planned for the future, for diverse reasons, including the current lack of proper administrative hierarchy and religious commanding body.

However, it seems that some of the Imperial generals and lords are pushing for this to happen quicker then the imperial throne expected... ;)


Lord of Altera
First of all, its not a specific event, its a full campaign.
Secondly, it's planned for the future, for diverse reasons, including the current lack of proper administrative hierarchy and religious commanding body.

However, it seems that some of the Imperial generals and lords are pushing for this to happen quicker then the imperial throne expected... ;)
This general hasn't said a thing.