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Fronslin - Echelon 5


Based on what?
Retired Staff


In-Game Name

Character Profile
Frost, The vestige

Current Echelon

Chosen School(s)

Chosen Specialization(s)

Cyromancy, Evisral, Possibly Pryomancy.
Spell Points

Spells 23/25
Customs made 8/8




Matt Sergeant Freedom
Arvyth AbsentUser
Artesia nexscarecrow
Lerina Fletcher TheChibiKiwi
Other students
Isabelle Ruu Darling (Magic Branched Only teaching theory)
Adda Moosh (Magic branched, Supporting by bringing to supplmental teachers)
Anya Iamblackrose (Magic branched No longer actively teaching)

Chromatic Casting: The spells the mage casts can have their colours altered by the will of the caster at their point of casting (if the caster wishes, a colour altering Heartstone can function as normal or be overruled by the Knack, combining the effects optionally.) This colour is mirrored in their eye colour. There is a notable glow around the caster at night, based on whatever spell she cast last (this glow is weak, providing less light than a torch). When in any emotional extreme, the caster loses control of their coloured presentation, determined by a dice roll. With a touch, the caster can change the colour of any candle to any colour they desire. This requires thirty seconds of touch per individual candle and this effect only lasts for an hour.
(This only manifests with upwards of two colors without focus.)

Ascension of the Starborn: At Echelon 5, the caster has evolved further, becoming one with the night. Motes of light (that twinkle like stars) float around their person in a myriad of colours and the casters themselves floats a few inches of off the ground (they need to be above solid ground to do so and cannot fly using this Knack). Their hair floats free of gravity in this state, the same motes of light present in their hair. This effect only activates when directly exposed to the night sky

Sustained Effects
NAME: Requiem of Magic's Paradox
DESCRIPTION: A ring of translucent glowing runes that hover around the finger of the attuned. The ring is tangible, though it appears to be made of nothing more than light.
PASSIVE: When the wearer casts a spell, it is accompanied by star-like twinkles and wispy drifts of nebulae around the caster.
ATTUNED TO: Starlit cult members

Curse of the Scarred: Purple-red lightning scars line the flesh over the and, and whilst they can be healed and will fade with time, they will always remain as a faint scar and become irritated and sore upon casting under the night sky. The pain worsens the more spells are cast in the same evening, but this pain does not mechanically effect spell-casting.

Current Status
Moving on from heratical. Pondering remaining options.

Sanctum Location
Somewhere near Frostlight. Is still Tbd


Name: Scribble
Level: 0
Branch: Stable
Range: Self
Duration: Half an hour
Effect: The caster’s fingertip begins to shine with faint light, which can be then used to create a drawing on a surface or in the air that lingers for the duration. These will glow with the relative strength of a candle, matching the colour in which they were created. The drawing does not need to be cohesive and can take the form of many smaller drawings within the canvas space. If the drawing is smudged, the entire drawing will fade away.

Name: Chill
Level: 0
Branch: Volatile
Range: Touch.
Duration: One hour.
Effect: The mage touches an individual with their hand, keeping them comfortably cool in hot environments for one hour. Touch must be maintained for this effect to persist.

Name: Shock
Level: 0
Branch: Volatile
Range: 3 meters.
Duration: One minute.
Effect: Static electricity is pulled from the air around the caster, appearing as small sparks align the focus. The mage may move the sparks to a point and project a dart of electricity toward a target, causing a static shock and superficial numbness at the point of contact. The same effect may be achieved by contact with the focus. The mage may also transfer the energy to a metallic object on contact, causing the object to take on the effects of the spell without the visible sparks for the duration.

Name: Siphon Flame
Level: 0
Branch: Volatile
Range: 10 meters.
Duration: One hour
Effect: The mage may target a fire no larger than that of a hearth and siphon the energy into their open hands, absorbing it comfortably into their body. This spell may only affect flames of the size prescribed and will have no bearing on larger fires, nor will it work upon smaller chunks of one larger fire, provided that that fire is considered a single fire. The spell takes away the heat required for it to remain burning, putting out the fire and rendering the caster warmer to the touch, for an hour. This spell provides mild resistance to minor chills, but will do nothing to subzero temperatures nor frostbite. This spell can be recast, with the original heat dissipating from the body of the mage, absorbed wholly into their Cruxstone.

Level 1 spells
Name: Flame Wreathe
Level: 1
Branch: Volatile
Range: 10 meters.
Duration: 15 Minutes
Effect: The mage may target a hearth fire or smaller to siphon its energy onto their held weapon or, alternatively, their fists if no weapon is held. They may siphon ambient thermal energy. Both options take one round. Their weapon or hands are then wreathed in flames that heat them, with no risk of damaging the weapon or mage. Flames siphoned from an existing source may be directed to a single target within range, ending the spell and causing minor first degree burns if the target is hit. The target may roll Body + Evasion vs the Caster’s AOE DC to avoid

Name: Luxstone
Level: 1
Branch: Stable
Range: Held object
Duration: One day
Effect: The caster turns an ordinary gemstone into a source of light by imbuing the gem with a concentrated amount of Penumbral energy. To the touch, this gemstone will feel somewhat warm and pleasant. It will constantly radiate light (about a torch’s worth) for a day, before the light fades away like a dying flame. It can be turned on and off by squeezing it. The colouration of the light matches the gemstone. At Echelon 1 only one may exist at once, but another can exist per Echelon reached, with a maximum of five at Echelon 5.

Name: Telekinesis
Level: 1
Branch: Stable
Range: 10 meters, within line of sight
Duration: Concentration.
Effect: The mage may manipulate an object within range that is five kilograms or less as though by an invisible hand, moving it at any point in range, able to push, pull and perform intricate movements. The mage must mime with their hands the movements they want the object to perform, and so cannot use it while holding an object in that hand. Further, the kinetic link is not possible with an object currently in use or in the possession of another.

Name: Thaw and Boil
Level: 1
Branch: Volatile
Range: A 5x3 area from the emitter of the caster
Duration: Concentration
Effect: The mage directs a visible heatwave from the tips of their fingers or held weapon, causing ice to gradually thaw away, akin to how it would naturally. Standing directly in front of these heatwaves is uncomfortable and might cause skin to remain red and agitated for a day if contact persists for four rounds or more. The heat is not sufficient to damage delicate objects like books or similar. If their hand or held weapon is dipped into water of up to a cauldron in volume, it gradually heats it to a boil over the course of a minute. The boiling water created by this spell will not adversely affect the caster while it is being boiled.

Name: Heart's Reach
Level: 1
Branch: Stable
Duration: Instant
Range: 200 meters
Effect: The mage conjures an orb of light between both hands, before sending it skyward. It bursts into firework patterns of a singular color of their choosing, before fading over the course of five seconds akin to a firework. It is capable of being cast through a Focus, which would cause it to adhere to the Eviscism cosmetic principles of heartstones. No aspect of the light is harmful and it is not bright enough to blind, although bright enough to be seen clearly.

Name: Mimicry
Level: 1
Branch: Stable
Range: 20 Meters
Duration: Concentration, up to an hour
Effect: The caster focuses light into the shape of a mouth. The caster can create sound waves that mimic what their own voice sounds like - being able to speak without using their own vocal cords. The caster can move the mouth within 20 meters of themselves at will, only being able to have it 'speak' if they are within 20 meters of it. They can also fix it to a point in space, or a specific point on an object. The mouth mimics lips in terms of what is being spoken - and works with all languages that the caster knows. The caster is unable to use their own vocal cords while the spell is cast, although are able to dissipate the spell at any time. Should there need to be a check made to deduce the mimicry, the opposed check is the caster’s CA + Guile versus Mind + Awareness.
Made by Adda

Name: Heleg Ihim
Level: 1
Branch: Volatile
Range: 5 meters
Duration: 4 turns
Effect: The caster focuses on a location in front of them, chilling the ground in a 2x2 meter area for one turn. For the duration the area is coated in a thick layer of slick ice. Everyone but the caster may make a Mind + Awareness (Investigation) roll vs the caster's AoE DC to be aware of the patch. If anyone steps on the ice unaware they must roll Body + Dexterity (Evasion) vs the caster's AoE DC to see if they slip and fall. Failure results in them falling and requires them to use their full movement on their next turn to get up. Those who are aware may make a Body + Dexterity (Evasion) roll vs the caster's AoE DC to slide on it gracefully, treating the 2 meter area as 1 meter in terms of distance you can move in a turn.
Made by Artesia

Level 2 spells

Name: Ward of the Extremes
Level: 2
Branch: Volatile
Range: Touch
Duration: 6 hours
Effect: The mage, while having contact with their focus may apply an environmental ward on themselves and up to two other people via physical contact. The ward regulates their body’s internal temperature in a way that keeps them comfortable in even the most extreme conditions. From initial contact with the mage a hot/cold wave spreads throughout their bodies of those under the effect of this spell . From there it keeps them comfortable throughout its duration. It will not protect from bodily contact with environmental burns and frostbite. Dress accordingly.

Name: Hailstorm Minor
Level: 2
Branch: Volatile
Range: 3 by 3 meter
Duration: Two rounds / the block forms
Effect: The mage creates a small hailstorm cloud and sends it up to ten meters into the air. It rains down small balls of hail as it travels straight in one direction for five meters, the impact of which is just painful enough to annoy. At the discretion of the mage, a fist-sized will drop from the cloud, dealing a hit hard enough to push someone off balance if they fail a Body + Evasion check.

Name: Inert Potential
Level: 2
Branch: Volatile, Stable
Range: Touch
Duration: 5 Minutes
Effect: For five minutes, or until the caster elects to dispels it, all active sources of energy are sapped and drained, effectively nullifying them. This allows them to negate up to 25 meters of fall damage, walk up walls, or walk across ceilings; however, melee combat is impossible while the spell is active, with their strikes being absorbed by the spell. Because of the active drain on their own energy, the mage's own body temperature will steadily grow colder and colder, becoming near hypothermic if they are already in a cold environment upon casting.
Made by Joe

Name: Arcane Transmutation
Level: 2
Branch: Volatile, Stable
Range: 5 meters
Duration: 20 minutes
Effect: The caster draws in all sources of volatile energy within five meters of them over the course of one round; alternatively the caster can pull in ambient energy. This energy then coats their focus or fists with transmuted energy. Negatively charged vis flares from the weapon, imparting moderate frostbite upon injury. At will, the caster can elect for the negative vis to enshroud a hit target, afflicting a step of disadvantage for rolls against energy-based attacks during the next two rounds. Because of the nature of this spell, only actively charged elemental-based spells will be attracted to it, such as fire or electricity. Furthermore, the caster cannot cast any charged offensive elemental spells while this effect is active or it will split from its intended destination; half backfiring on the caster as it it drawn to both the target and the spell caster.
Made by Damien

Name: Evisral Volley
Level: 2
Branch: Volatile, Stable
Range: 50 meters, with disadvantage at a range of 30+ meters
Duration: Instantaneous
Effect: The mage looses a projectile of ice, fire, electricity, force, light, or magnetism from their hand or focus. It has the velocity and size of an arrow fired from a shortbow, but does not impart force on impact unless stated otherwise, and affects a one foot by one foot area. Fire results in second degree burns; electricity induces second degree electrical burns; ice results in moderate frostbite and puncture wounds; force results in moderate bludgeoning damage and being thrown two meters; light results in moderate disorientation for a round; magnetism results in moderate puncture wounds from those in metal armor, causing minor lacerations to the flesh below and a notable unwieldiness to their armor for the next round from the semi-magnetized armor locking against itself.
Made by Damien

Name: Frostlight Arrow
Level: 2
Branch: Volatile, Stable
Range: 20 meters
Duration: Instantaneous
Effect: An icy blue light releases from the caster's hand or focus as an arrow of force; the effect may alternatively be woven into an existing physical arrow. A CA + Ranged (Arcane) roll is made against the target's defensive check, with a success delivering minor damage and a -2 penalty to the target's next Dexterity roll within 2 rounds. This effect cannot be stacked.
Made by Lernia

Level 3

Name: Frost Bolt
Level: 3
Branch: Volatile
Range: 40 meters
Duration: 1 round build up, 1 round lob
Effect: The mage manifests a large, condensed orb of hypercold air that is a little larger than a basketball, forming it over the course of a round. They can then lob it, leaving snowflakes in its wake. If the target does not succeed in a Body + Evasion check, their legs are frozen in place and immobilized for a round, resulting in moderate frostbite on the place of contact.

Name: Heavensfall
Level: 3
Branch: Volatile
Range: 4x4 space, up to ten meters away from the caster, ten meters vertically
Duration: Instantaneous
Effect: The caster spends a turn condensing and creating a flaming sphere within the sky above a fixed point within ten meters of them. It will grow over the course of a turn before falling upon the specified area, the smell of sulphur and brimstone warning those in range to get out of the way. When it lands the area of impact is covered in intense heat and flames; flammable matter will combust near instantly, while people caught fully within the blaze will suffer third degree burns. The fire this spell creates acts as an ordinary fire, spreading, persisting and otherwise acting as fire would. Those in the area of effect when it lands may roll Body+Evasion against the caster’s AoE DC to avoid the spell.
Name: Hoarfrost's Grip
Level: 3
Branch: Volatile
Range: Up to 10 meters away, 5 meter diameter sphere
Duration: 2 Rounds [4 rounds for objects and surfaces]
Effect: The caster focuses on a distant location, chilling the air rapidly. A heavy mist forms and those caught within the area are quickly encased in ice over the course of a turn. All objects and surfaces in the area are coated in ice, making footing treacherous. After two rounds, the ice will break off in chunks from those encased, leaving detritus. Targets may roll Evasion against the caster’s AoE DC to avoid getting trapped, or Might against the caster’s AoE DC to break free.

Name: Pyromancer's Wrath
Level: 3
Branch: Volatile
Range: 20 meters
Duration: One minute
Effect: The mage concentrates, engulfing their hands or held weapon in raging flames by expelling energy from their Cruxstone over the course of one turn. They can alternatively use sources of mundane fire to achieve the same effect, stealing a bonfire's worth of fire in the process. This source of fire must be within 5 meters of the mage. The mage or their held weapon are not damaged by the fire. The flames are comparable to regular fire, inflicting third degree burns on flesh and setting flammable material ablaze. The flames can be maintained for up to one minute. However, the mage may instead throw the flames at a single target within 20 meters, which in turn immediately ends the spell. Throwing the flames requires a Body + Evasion check against the Caster’s CA + Ranged.
Made by Crow

Name: Enforce
Level: 3
Branch: Volatile, Stable
Range: Touch
Duration: 5 minutes
Effect: By manipulating internal and external energy, the mage shapes one way a target may exert themselves for the duration of the spell. One of the following skills must be chosen upon being cast: Awareness, Might, or Grappling. For the duration of the spell, the target can roll with caster’s CA instead of their Awareness/Might/Grappling skill. Only one skill can be selected per cast of Enforce, and only once cast of Enforce can be active at any moment.
Made by Damien

Name: Evisral Conjuration
Level: 3
Branch: Volatile, Stable
Range: 20 meters
Duration: 10 minutes
Effect: The caster extends their hand and conjures forth any single weapon or shield wrought from crackling energies. It can be anything feasibly a weapon so long as it fulfills the requirements for an Arcane Focus and can be feasibly held in at most two hands. All attacks from weapons wrought from this spell will inflict either frostbite, electrical burns, or thermal burns with each strike. Should a bow or ranged weapon be summoned, the projectiles loosened from this weapon will disperse after striking, and may only travel up to 20 meters from the caster. Spells can be cast through this summoned weapon. If the weapon ends up more than 20 meters from the caster it will dispel. Anywhere within that range, it can be recalled over one round. The spell can be dismissed at any time by the caster should they will it. All actions made with the summoned weapon are made with the caster's CA instead of any other primary attribute.
Made by Damien

Coming soon, Level 4

Name: Fête of the North
Level: 4
Branch: Stable, Volatile
Range: Touch
Duration: 6 hours
Effect: The caster manifests a crackling crimson field around up to three targets, which acts as a ward against fluctuations of Vis. The ward may take on aesthetics appropriate to the caster's knack, but remains subtle, non-mechanical and hugs the target's form closely. Should the target/s move further than 10m away from the caster, their ward fizzles out. Extreme temperatures within the wards are regulated for the targets (fires snuffed only as they reach the barrier, Irzis-Fyr/Eizholz safe to handle, Nether and Tundra comfortable). The 10m area around the caster ward can be well-lit (daylight) or shadowed (dusk) by the wards, but cannot serve to blind. Sounds can be amplified (up to a scream) or dampened (down to a whisper) within the same radius. It will negate the thermal aspects of certain spells, but not the kinetic portion, and it cannot be used to swim through lava.

Name: Comet
Level: 4
Branch: Volatile, Stable
Range: 40 meters
Duration: 1 minute
Effect: Consuming one source of uncontrolled energy within fifteen meters, which may cover up to a 10x10x10 meter area, or conjuring it from their cruxstone, the mage enshrouds their focus or arms in dark blue, evisral energy. Amassing the energy required requires one round alone. After which, all strikes from the enwreathed weapon imparts a large patch of deep frostbite and surpasses the defense of any armor. At any moment after the round spent conjuring the spell into effect, the mage can elect to end the spell and sling the energy at a target within 40 meters. The Mage rolls CA + Ranged versus the target's Body + Evasion.

Name: Weather the Storm
Level: 4
Branch: Volatile, Stable
Range: Touch
Duration: 20 minutes
Effect: The caster conjures a shimmering blue ward of energy, one which grants a greater control over their movement along with additional boons. For any rolls involving Evasion, the ward allows for the recipient to roll with the caster's CA. (Ex.: CA + Evasion.) So long as the warded has their feet planted on a surface, they are immune to electricity and cannot be knocked down by wind or physical strikes involuntarily; however, they are not immune to the damage physical strikes bring. Their balance is improved, capable of remaining still in even the strongest of tempests.

Name: Frostlight Offensive
Level: 4
Branch: Stable, Volatile
Range: 15 meters
Duration: 5 minutes
Effect: The mage conjures a soft blue orb of evisral energy, giving off imitation sunlight with the brightness of a bonfire while making the air around it colder. The orb will follow the mage around, and can be directed within 15 meters of the mage. The mage may activate the orb, ending the spell prematurely, with one round required to activate it. This activation causes the orb to intensify its output over one round, rapidly chilling the area and freezing beneath the ground up to 7 meters in both depth and width, preventing movement below for the duration. Those within the radius of the spell must roll Body+Evasion vs the caster's AoE DC, or else they suffer moderate frostbite. If targets within the radius fail the check, they will roll Evasion checks with 1 step of disadvantage next round.

Name: A Warm Welcome
Branch: Volatile/Stable
Designed by: Frost, Asero, Kaelin, Kethron, Arvyth, Adda, Artesia
Description: The mages gather to inscribe a rune within Frost's tower in Frostlight, igniting it with a combination of volatile and stable energy. From the point of conception, an invisible ward forms over the village, granting certain boons to make life in the frigid north more comfortable: mundane fires no longer spread out of control, light, reflected or directly from the sun, never seems harsh to the eyesight, and all within the village grounds find their temperature regulated, keeping them comfortably warm wherever they may be. Additionally, the field of energy protects the village from natural environmental extremes such as blizzards and harsh snowstorms. Fires created from magical or divine sources will not spread unless these are being actively controlled by a mage or blessed.

Name: Spectral Iris
Description: A transmuted form of a gemstone provided by Fronslin, once cyan, now a dark skyscape of shifting hue with all the depth of the void.
Effect: Spells cast via the focus take on the color of the hearthstone, which changes naturally within the range of blues, purples and teal, or rarely the pure white of starlight; generally within a ‘stellar’ or ‘cosmic’ theme. By focusing on a particular color for half a minute, the color of the hearthstone can be changed to it for the next 24 hours before it resumes its gradual random drift. This hearthstone has a standard attunement DC.
Item Holder: Fronslin

Notes: Inert. Housed inside Nameless mourned, A sword made by Thordil when he was an Oracle.
Rework DC is 2 successes instead of of 4

Silverstar- Obtained!

Notes: First heartstone. Possibly OOCLY cursed.
Silverstar Deaths: 1

Name: Awakened Robes
Description: A mirrorwood robe of dark blue and purple hues, near black. Over the surface are softly glowing stars that mimic the night sky, occasionally showing slowly drifting constellations that may be overhead that time of year. A gemstone of swirling purple and blue colours rests at the chest.
Effect: Damage to the robe can be repaired by exposing it to starlight overnight, wherein any tears to the material are regrown. The stone cannot be absorbed or used as a heartstone.
Item Holder: Frost Fronslin

Name: Fae Ring of Cleaning
Description: A simple silver band ring with various etched runes, written in the Fae language.
Effect: While wearing the ring, over the course of a round, the holder may magically clean a 1x1 meter area of dirt, dust, mold, moss, grease, ash, blood, or other such grimy particles away from skin or a surface within 3 meters. A gentle breeze of magical energy emits from the ring onto the surface, dissolving away the unwanted material into specks and wisps of light. This effect does not clean or sterilize a wound on a person or creature.
Holder: Fronslin
Tier: Commonplace

There's also a harp I don't intend to list here.

Minecraft name: Fronslin
Character name: Fronslin Menguar
Link to normal character profile: Fronslin

Current Rank/Proficiency
Sparked through Gael Dugald

Overall Rank: Master

Spell Points: 250

Active Student: Yes!

Active Teacher: Yes

Aesero crow
Many other supplemental spells to various mages
Antone Rosenthal
Rose Map
Maple Opal
Athryl IceandFire

Sir Gael von Dugald - Eviscism [X]
Kethron Dramaign - Eviscism [X]
Ayda Ulamyar - Eviscism [X]
Joseph Seeker -Eviscism [X]

Protege(s)(Current rank):

A yet unnamed focus; An arming sword made for him by Thordil

Kogrite/brass and darkened steel pommel with a Kogrite/brass ring in its middle. The pommel ends in a flat open surface, showing the emerald sealed inside. Stag antler grip with a brass ring seperating the smooth from the ridged side, ending in yet another brass ring. The crossguard, too, is made of darkened steel with a slight curve to it and rounded edges, ending in a small brass etched ring. The crossguard bears the inscriptions "In defiance of Darkness" on one side, and "In defense of The Realm" on the other. The steel blade has a gradual profile taper and ends in a fine tip. As a result of the work of The Sacred of Korog, this masterpiece of a sword is both beautifully crafted, perfectly balanced and incredibly resilient to damage

Fronslin has added leather bindings over the grip to ensure less damage from electical mishaps
Other information: This was forged using the Masterpiece boon made by the forge-masters hammer.
The emerald itself is an Oval cut

Ability: The Mage can roll a second roll after their initial spell roll, and if succeeding a separate DC, their spell becomes two projectiles flying parallel to eachother - swirling through the air towards the target. The Mage has a certain amount of charges they can attempt to split their projectile with (current max charges: 2). Spells cast from this Focus, despite original color of energy type, manifest as a brilliant silver.

Name: Spectral Iris
Description: A transmuted form of a gemstone provided by Fronslin, once cyan, now a dark skyscape of shifting hue with all the depth of the void.
Effect: Spells cast via the focus take on the color of the hearthstone, which changes naturally within the range of blues, purples and teal, or rarely the pure white of starlight; generally within a ‘stellar’ or ‘cosmic’ theme. By focusing on a particular color for half a minute, the color of the hearthstone can be changed to it for the next 24 hours before it resumes its gradual random drift. This hearthstone has a standard attunement DC.
Item Holder: Fronslin

Known spells- (# of casts) (And number of nat 20s)

-Candlelight - 104(3)

Sense energy- 1

-Shock- 34 (3)

-Arcane transmutation- 41(1)

-Compass- 27

-Temperature control - 10

-Dazzle - 28(2)

-Attract/Repel - 10

-Grace - 8

Throw Pebble - 24

-Heat warp - 19 (1)

Breeze - 6 (1)

Temperature control Shared - 33(1)

Detect Energy - 34 (3)

Illuminate - 21

Brume's Gloom - 16

Heart's Light- 11 (1)

Animate metal - 14

lock/unlock - 12
Magnetic (Fronslin reminder This is 15 SP)

Projection -40 (4)


Heat minor - 10

Ice minor- 62 (1)

Disruption - 5

Deflect-minor- 6

Ember - 4 casts
Flurry- 1 cast


Breath of the land - 8

Energy bolt-
Thermal- Ice- 9 (1)
Thermal Fire- 5
Electric - 10 (2)
Evisral - 20

See Energy - 12 (1)

Kinetic wall - 12
Kinetic (duh)

Invisiblity minor - 21

Enduring light - 40 (3)

Kethron's Enduring light *

Ice bridge - 6


Glacial shield- 13

[Kinetic] - 6
[Evisral] 5(1)
[Penumbral] 3
[Thermal Fire]- 3
[Thermal Ice] -2

[Electric] - 2
[Magnetic] -1

Dragonbane- 3 (1)

Free Falling- 19

Flare - 5(1)

Knockdown - 8

Inertia - 2

Pull Flame -5

Sunburst - 3

Burst - 15 casts (1)

Deflect- 5

Kinetic Empowerment - 3

Ignition - 5 (1)
Sparking- 5

Propel- 3
Sustained Effects:
+3 to Penumbral
to Evisral
-4 to Magnetic

-Fronslin's eyes Adjust rapidly to changes in light
-Fronslin's skin has a slight sheen to it
-Fronslin regains Vigor in a specified light condition with the ability to change this every other day, The light level changing suddenly to the opposite will minorly drain him, Leaving him slightly lethargic
8/16/20- Set to light post ignition to the Iris
May, 11th 2021- Switched to Dark Attunement
6/15/21 Light attunement
August 17th
Attuned to dark during gravewalker nap.
Sep 28 - Attuned to light for fireside brooding/resting.

Current Magical Status:
Adjusting to newfound limits.
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Based on what?
Retired Staff
Current main focus

Secondary is a darkened steel legacy arming sword made by thordil with the heartstone known as the spectral Iris. This heartstone allows Frost to weave additional colors into her spells. Will post an image of it later.
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Based on what?
Retired Staff
Level up, Big boi Spell points acquired


Time to learn the good stuff, It's been a long 6 months to get here.
Once I have a bigger spell list, I'll clean everything up, make things more appealing
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Based on what?
Retired Staff
I'm currently in the process of overhauling this.
To be added
Just need to name it
-Something with flavor
-Spell tally
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Based on what?
Retired Staff
Updated to current.
Depending on how long these new changes last. I am considering making a brand new profile. For now this information that is here is for ease of access for DMs


Lord of Altera
This just seems unfair. Someone stop him, he's too powerful to be left alive


Based on what?
Retired Staff
I'll let folks know here the added modifier to my rolls is temporary. Not to fret.

It just wasn't easy to get it and I'm proud to have it while I can.


Based on what?
Retired Staff
Name: Spectral Iris
Description: A transmuted form of a gemstone provided by Fronslin, once cyan, now a dark skyscape of shifting hue with all the depth of the void.
Effect: Spells cast via the focus take on the color of the hearthstone, which changes naturally within the range of blues, purples and teal, or rarely the pure white of starlight; generally within a ‘stellar’ or ‘cosmic’ theme. By focusing on a particular color for half a minute, the color of the hearthstone can be changed to it for the next 24 hours before it resumes its gradual random drift. This hearthstone has a standard attunement DC.
Item Holder: Fronslin

Goodbye ring Hello swirly whirly stone.

It'll go up on the focus list once it's got a tool to set it in.