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Godfather's Ban Appeal [Resolved-Unbanned]

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Lord of Altera
He wished for me to post this for him.
I guess I'll send him the answers given?

Hello, my friends of Hollowworld. I'm not entirely sure how to word this, so I'll just word it straightforward, so I apologize if I sound blunt or rude at all.

It has been a year since I was forum-banned (and maybe server-banned...? I'm uncertain but as I recall I was only forum-banned. I would try to confirm this by trying to log on, but I haven't exactly been free the last few nights). Or at least, it feels like a year. I honestly don't remember when I left and was forum-banned, my levels of caring were so low at the time. However, a lot has changed for me and in me since I left/was forum-banned, too much to explain. I've joined, left, rejoined and re-left two different RP servers. I feel I have calmed down and matured as a person. And what's more... Well, think about it like immigration: there can be push factors and pull factors. I'm currently experiencing both of these, and very strong they are pushing/pulling me back to here.

I'll be entirely honest, I don't even remember exactly the events that subsequently led to me leaving/being forum-banned, although I think I remember the general circumstances. As I recall, without going into unpleasant details, I went off briefly on a staff member's profile for something they did (I do remember the staff member, think I remember what they did). As I mentioned above, I believe I have grown and matured as a person, and I do apologize for any unwarranted actions I made, sincerely and wholeheartedly. But my understanding, from what my friends have told me, is that many of the things that drove me away previously have been changed, and in a good way. So all I ask - I do apologize if this sounds like I'm being arrogant - I want to give HW another chance and see friends that I haven't seen for a long time, and all I ask is that I can be forgiven for whatever it is that I did previously and am given another chance.




i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Hi there! I'm going to be handling this :D
@godfather1 's forum ban has been lifted, initially.

I'm going to keep this short and sweet. After a review of what lead to his ban and the subsequent appeal, I'm more then happy to unban Godfather. Due to the long absence, I need to request you make another whitelist application. I apologize for the inconvenience of this- And let me know if there is anything I can help with the process. You are able to log into the server as part of our no-whitelist status, but you will be unable to interact with other players or interact with the world.
Feel free to contact me publicly or privately for any alts that need to also be unbanned (Or to contact any staff member, simply direct them here).

As a reminder- It does appear that your previous mannerisms are what caused the initial drama and then requested ban, further drama leading towards the forum ban. Again, I have reviewed the entirety of this and have no problem with your unban based on the content of this appeal- However, it might be good to keep in mind. If you would like to be reminded of the entire instance, I am happy to do so. But; In the interest of respect and confidentiality towards Godfather, I'm only going to share such with the aforementioned involved party.


French Roast

Lord of Altera
Thank you for your unbanning me, Mich. I understand the need for a second whitelist application, no worries. :) I do have an alt but I made it long after I was banned, so I'll just mention it in my whitelist app.
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