Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Going on Leave

JLA Montoya

I think I might like it here
Hello, Altera.

I'll be gone from August 1st to August 10th. I'll be touring New York City and Washington, DC with my immediate family. My mother and sister have never been to the East Coast, so it should be interesting!

Be safe, don't do/say anything stupid, look both ways before crossing the street, don't drink and drive, don't do drugs (you're funding the cartel!), and most importantly of all have fun.

I'll be on today, but then I'm gone for ten days.

JLA Montoya

I think I might like it here
I will end you.

Besides, I'm not leaving, I'm just taking a much needed break from work. But I won't be taking my laptop with me, since we won't be sitting around in a hotel much. Plus, I don't want it stolen or damaged, so it stays behind.


Lord of Altera
Itzza you just confused my already tired brain to hell.... D:
So is JLA Inferno or am I just too tired to be on the forums?