Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Lord of Altera
If I had the ability to properly portray emotions, I would currently be sobbing: I've just watched Gone Home played all the way through. It's a story-driven game based on a woman who has recently returned from a year-long holiday to find the house empty. To begin with you think it's going to be a developed version of Nightmare House (a Half-Life 2 mod/map) , but as you go deeper in you realise it's not about that. Of course, being as you've just arrived home in the dark without anybody there, there's a storm, etc., you'd expect the protagonist to be fairly spooked - which she is.

Without giving away too much in terms of spoilers; the story is the progression of the lives of Sarah's family while she is away. Her mother is working at a controlled blaze where she meets a young man, her father is struggling with his career as an author, and, most importantly, her sister is struggling to make friends.

Sadly, my ability to describe this story doesn't go much further than an actual synopsis as describing the game itself is fairly difficult for me (alexithymia) .

So, uh...


(Yes, I hid which way the mouth was pointing to avoid spoilers.)