Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Guide to the Forums

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Note, this is to be edited by Yoda!

Welcome to the HollowWorld Forums, a wonderful place where you may get lost, but is more important than you might think.
Here you may find important information, on events, announcements. You can advertise your towns, products that you want to tell, all the way to The off topic fun section many people in the community enjoy.

The basics:
Unread Content – Threads that you have not seen the latest post in or viewed since it was last updates will have bolded titles. You can also click the what’s new link to check what has been posted recently. The whats new section is broken up into two sections, with content posted after your most recent visit to the forums, and the below section with that of before your most recent visit. It’s always useful checking this before posting a new thread on “Server Downtime” or “Plugin bugs” for example

Watching Threads – When you respond to a thread, you should automatically start watching the thread and receive forum alerts in the top right hand corner when a response is made to the thread. You may also receive an email notification based on your forum preferences. Additionally you may also press watch thread at the top of the post, that button performs the same action without having to reply to the thread. Very useful for locked/staff topics or just ones of which you’d like to keep an eye on without contributing.

Making a Thread:
This is rather simple, but there is a major first step to it. Identifying the correct forum category for your thread, because posting a “Help me with Redstone” thread in the Whitelisting section. The sections are marked out by their names, but if you’re not sure what content should be posted there, have a look around at the threads inside, and if they have content of a similar nature, you’re probably in the right place. However, a “Help” thread would probably be best put in the “Help & Tutorials” section.
The next step is to check to see if you’re not making a duplicate thread. Always look around the correct forum section to see if it hasn’t already been posted. An example of this is yout thinking of making a “Minecraft Update 1.5” thread and you find one called “Minecraft Updates”. Chances are what you’re going to ask/post has already been done, and either replying to the current one or just reading what’s been said is the best way to go.
Once you have identified the correct section, and that you’re not duplicating a thread, Click the blue, “Post New Thread” button at the top right of the forum section. Note you can only do this inside a section, and not on the main page.
The subject field is what you are going to be Naming the thread, and what you want it to display. Remember to name it carefully as you can’t change the thread name once it is posted.
The rest is relatively straight forward, just type away! Just make sure your thread has some use. A pointless thread is considered spam, and is frowned upon!

The Report Button:
On every thread, on every post there is a rather generous report button. Use it wisely as this gives you the power to flag a a post for inappropriate/harmful content.

It is suggested to Report:
  • Racism
  • Foul language
  • Major Spam
  • Discrimination/Bullying
  • Extreme Negativity

But Don't report:
  • Minor spam
  • When the post title isn’t accurate
  • Minor errors/mistakes
  • Spelling and Grammar Issues

This is known as the revival of a dead thread, often one that hasn’t been responded to for 2 Weeks. When a thread hasn’t been responded to for this long, it is usually known for the thread to have outlived its purpose and people often aren’t expecting it to be continued. Having a dead thread reappear in the what’s new section can be quite annoying, especially if it’s something irrelevant or outdated with misleading information. Check the dates on a thread. If it hasn’t been responded to for too long, then it’s best not to Post on it, unless of course you have a really good reason to.

Forum Stalkers and Spamming
Forum stalkers are the active forum browsers, the types of people who take watching threads as a hobby. They hop around the forums often contributing useful/wise or sometimes even humorous additions to a thread, within a reasonable limit. Forum stalkers are great and valued members of the forums, especially since they normally are the people who solve and come up with great new threads. A forum stalker usually knows how to handle a response, and how to help instead of hinder. Forum stalkers also tend to accumulate large amounts of liked posts.

Spammers, come in two varieties, those who post and advertise, or just those who derail threads with useless messages usually to get their post count up. Spammers spend a lot of time going between large amounts of threads liking all the posts and they fill up the threads with useless things and sometimes hurtful comments. Sometimes they derail a thread and encourage others to join in, however its best to ignore those that derail threads and try to spam. Usually a spammer doesn’t realise they are a spammer, and usually consider themselves Forum Stalkers; however there are Clear differences between the two. A Spammer usually has the motive of “Like Seeking”, and a high post count to keep the forums active, usually in the hope of gaining attention. There is nothing wrong with trying to be funny, but jesting the forums is a bit far. Try to take others inconsideration before you post, thinking about how others might view your post. If you don’t like it, chances are, neither will they. Reading back your post before posting it has many benefits; this can also be one of them.

Forum Titles

To Be Added…

Language, know what you say
This can be taken two ways, the first of which is Hollow World is an English based community, and the forums and server alike, it is asked that you post in the language that the entire community is able to read. However that doesn’t mean you can’t make an RP post in an RP language. Just try to take in consideration, if you write a post in your own language, on who would actually be able to read it.
The second way this can be interpreted, using the forums, and this being an ESRPB server rating of 13, we do ask that the community used acceptable language in terms of vulgarities. The exceptions to this rule that exist in a role-play sense in game do not necessarily apply here. Try and take a kind approach to posting, and leave the disrespect and vulgarities to yourself if possible.
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