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Guild Wars 2


Hylian Thing
So, GW2 is coming out pretty soon. I was wondering how many of you are getting it and what race/class combos you're going for! If you've pre-ordered it and have already played on the weekend event thingies, what do you think about it? Personally, I'm going for a Human/Ranger :)


Lord of Altera
pre-purchased it myself, unable to get on during next week's beta event though. Very excited though, my human necromancer is gonna be the best!


Lord of Altera
Mmmmh, I don't think I'll be getting it, these style of games don't really appeal to me. I am aware that this one is different then others, but at its heart it is still the same basic thing.


Zalenfal Guardian
I CANNOT wait for this game to come out. Not going to preorder it, but day of release better watch out for me >: D
Can't decide between the Necromancer and the Elementalist xD


Loyal Servant of Altera
Aye i'm looking forward to the 25th greatly, I am curious to see what race people will choose to play, i've already completely discounted Asura and Charr, will probably go for a Norn Warrior (with Human Engineer / Guardian as a close 2nd). I'm also slightly interested in the Sylvari simply because no one seems to mention them much and no one i've spoken to wants to play as one.

frank frappuccino

Lord of Altera
*Giggles like a little school girl* I can't wait to play the full release and NOT BUGGED SPAWN AREA THAT YOU CAN'T LEAVE FOR SOME GOD KNOWS WHY REASON!!!!!! So.... as you might have guessed from that all caps angry shouting thing I have pre-ordered :p


Loyal Servant of Altera
*Giggles like a little school girl* I can't wait to play the full release and NOT BUGGED SPAWN AREA THAT YOU CAN'T LEAVE FOR SOME GOD KNOWS WHY REASON!!!!!! So.... as you might have guessed from that all caps angry shouting thing I have pre-ordered :p
Interesting, i've not suffered any problems like that in any of the beta weekends, I only had a few minutes of being unable to connect in the first stress test.


I'm going Sylvari/Ranger. Going to get a juinile black panther. Going to be so baws. But yea i pre-purchased and got into the last beta-event, even got the didgital deluxe version. But man does this game look sexy!


Loyal Servant of Altera
Last beta event is supposedly on the weekend beginning July 21st and ending July 23rd, my birthday weekend! :) nice little treat for me.

Not long to go now!


God dang does that look amazing. But if I cant do sylvari ranger then im going asura gaurdian. Asura = Magical Gaurdian = Magical defender.


Participated in all Beta WEs so far and will also be playing in the third one as well.
Played a Charr Nekro to LVL 25 in the first two Beta WEs.
After release I'm going to play a Sylvari or Charr Nekro (going to play Sylvari on the third Beta WE).
The only time I had problems with the game was on the first Beta WE when the servers were overloaded with players. Could not login for hours.
Really great game. Will hopefully entertain me for years.


I think I might like it here
I absolutely cannot wait for this game anymore and the 25th cant come fast enough, been waiting for it for about what... 7 years now? lol its my Diablo3 hahaha. i think im gonna go human warrior or guardian, unsure cos i always go warrior (i find it fun, and i dont really get magic classes well it just doesnt compute with my brain lol) but i had alot of fun using a guardian in the betas :D And cant wait to get my Massive Charr statue from the preorder!! hahaha


Lord of Altera
I've never played any Guild Wars but I've read up on it and it looks AMAZING! I soo want it! I'm probably going to wing it with my characters, some sort of tank mabye?


<3 Hollow World
I'll be back in hospital just before this releases then be on gardening leave for weeks so for once I'll be able to play with the hardcore folks 24/7 ! :D

I'll probably be bored after 3 days..