Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Dylan Byrne

Name: Dylan
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Yes, I have read the Tome of Citizenship and I abide to its terms.

My characters name is Grayson Ore. He is a dwarf/human hybrid grown in a Elven alchemists lab.

I'm over the average height for my age and I have shoulder length brown hair. I live with 4 siblings with a large gap in age. My older brother is 24. My sister is 14 and by younger brothers are 7 and 6 months old. Playing Minecraft and my keyboard are my main hobbies. I play X Box 360 and occasionally play PS3. My favourite console games are the Mass Effect games and the Assassins Creed Series.. And pretty much anything made by Valve or Ubisoft. My favourite genre(s) of music are Metal and Classic Rock

I have made my own (Pretty damn long) adventure map, but it is not yet complete, I'm just giving it it's final touches. Vines and Moss stone instead of cobble, etc.

I wish to share the fact that i am somewhat easily irritable and will argue my point until I win.

I found the server through a top 20 list I found whilst browsing the Yogscast forums.

I have voted for the server, yes.

I hope to hear from you, soon.


Lord of Altera
1. You put this in the wrong section, since it's not approved.
2. Please add the questions and their numbers to your answers.
3. Question 6: Tell us about your RP experience, not about your characters.
4. Question 7: Tell us some more about your life ouside of games. Like your hobbies.