Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Hawk Pirlo


Name: Hawk Pirlo
Simply 'Hawk'
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 71 kg
Hair: Shoulder length, thick, dark brown
Eyes: Large, dark brown
Skin: A slight yellow tan, however I tan very easily.
Identifying Marks: Three red scars across the right cheek, and a deep wound on the side of my neck. I also have a permanent scar in the shape of a dragon on my right upper-arm.
Appearance: Well built, with a wide upper torso, and muscular thighs. I always wear a burgundy hooded cloak, lined with gold, which prevents damage from malicious beasts, and also reduces the amount of poison absorbed when bitten by beasts of the dark. I like to keep the hood up, so that people do not remember my face, (a useful feature when in combat). I like to look my smartest at all times, as a good-looking image is very important. My facial complexion represents that of a Nordic decent.
Strengths: I am very proficient with swords, axes and pickaxes. I have spent a lot of time in other realms collecting lumber, precious ores, and enemies' heads. As I have spent a lot of time in harsh conditions, I have grown a resistance to the cold, wet and snow. I am also a master at reconnaissance, which allows me to meticulously plan attacks. I am also very fit, and can sprint for miles travelling from one location to the next, without breaks.
Weaknesses and fears: I am weak at fishing, and certain forms of farming. My logical mind is more wired towards killing, mining and redstone circuitry. Finally, I cannot stand being betrayed by fellow travelers, as it is a huge disrespect, and deserves severe punishment.
Religion and cults: I do not have any religious beliefs, however I am open minded to all beliefs, and do not judge anyone based on their religion. I do believe that there is a supreme spirit that rules over the Land of Altera, and empowers us when we most need it.
Profession: Assassin, Lumberjack, Miner, Electrician - and many more!