Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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HollowNews-Sunday 19th January 2012

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Lord of Altera
Hey Guys/Gals,

Here is issue 4 of the HollowNews for Sunday 29th January 2012. We hope you enjoy reading it, and please leave you thoughts/comments below. All feedback is appreciated!

Also, if you wish to join the HollowNews team, PM NinjaTangerine with the topic of what you'd like your article to be, and whether you can provide it weekly, every fortnight etc.

(Apologies for dropbox, file was again too large)

Issue 4: Issue 4.pdf

Audio: 4.mp3 - Hope you enjoy the audio

Have a good read!

Find us on facebook, search Hollownews


Legend of Altera
Vary nice paper guys! I've been following it and I am vary impressed. I was wondering though, what would you guys think to putting up an article about peoples personal creations. Houses, towns, whatever like that ya know? Just to get people interested in areas of Hollow World that don't get viewed a lot or maybe need some attention (like breathing new life into a town that has a great story idea). Just something to get peoples brain juices flowing ya?


The Ghost of Altera
audio is out. Let me know if you find it funny/enjoyable or whatever.



Lord of Altera
Vary nice paper guys! I've been following it and I am vary impressed. I was wondering though, what would you guys think to putting up an article about peoples personal creations. Houses, towns, whatever like that ya know? Just to get people interested in areas of Hollow World that don't get viewed a lot or maybe need some attention (like breathing new life into a town that has a great story idea). Just something to get peoples brain juices flowing ya?
That sounds like a good idea actually :) And it'd be good to show off some of Hollowworld's citizen's creations :)


Legend of Altera
That sounds like a good idea actually :) And it'd be good to show off some of Hollowworld's citizen's creations :)
Yep Yep! It's just a way of giving back or giving some recognition to players or projects ya know? It would be nice to also focus on lower ranking players instead of players that donated or promoted. We know that those players have a lot of resources to use for there ideas. I want to see the one's about the people who worked for weeks or so on a project and that that person had to gather or buy his/her own materials. Who know's, it might get some people promoted right? lol Do you think you guys are going to use my idea then?


Legend of Altera
On another note, today there was a bug where people would spawn in game on top of the nether. If they did the spawn hotkey, they would spawn IN the nether in front of a fortress thingy. go figure.


This picture one is big TNTs explosion was not me I wasn't here :S

I would love have days of moderator life questions but up to you, your choice any of mods :)

Good work!


Lord of Altera
Yep Yep! It's just a way of giving back or giving some recognition to players or projects ya know? It would be nice to also focus on lower ranking players instead of players that donated or promoted. We know that those players have a lot of resources to use for there ideas. I want to see the one's about the people who worked for weeks or so on a project and that that person had to gather or buy his/her own materials. Who know's, it might get some people promoted right? lol Do you think you guys are going to use my idea then?
This sounds like a great idea, it'd be nice to mention a few villagers and showcase their work off :)
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