Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Hopefully Peaceful] Marriage of Morna Rhett and Goren Walterius (Canceled)


Lord of Altera
*Tybalt looks at the invitation he recieved*

{ this mockery or is she just this stupid.}
*fiddles with Kristen's engagement ring in his pocket then tears the invitation to shreds*

Next day

*stupid blood Serpants bust the door to his inn down and drags him to the sorrows*
(Provides excuse for his absence do to an ooc leave. Sucks, I would have came. But woulda been like Sassdrac @Scardrac at Alanna and Lizzys weddings :p)
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sparkles emoji
Going on vacation soon and has school soon after. :L
Hope can come!
(Sorry for typing like this, really tired)