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I want to appeal a Ban [Resolved - Unbanned]

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I am waiting for someone to tell me what they want me to do to Appeal I am not going to Guess so Yeah I am requesting an Appeal. If I get one then I can see what is needed. Now follow the rules and mind your own business please.


Lord of Altera
What is your in-game name?
Also, the attitude against people who are trying to help you isn't cool.
Please post a FULL appeal, what you did, why you were banned, why you think you should be unbanned...


My In game name is Lunas Crain and I was banned because I Disagreed with an Admin and was banned I assume to shut me up. Why do I think I should be unbanned... I did not break any rules first off and Second even if you have absolute authority Banning someone permanently for disagreeing is not right. While I may be stubborn I am in no way breaking any rules. I did not take matters into my own hands ( I.E try to punish the "offender" I did not rage and start cursing and such. there was no Lava griefing or anything like that. All I did was disagree and stand my ground.
Annoying I am sure but not against ANY rules.
So think I should be unbanned because I was banned out of anger, Hence insted of getting a 24 hour ban or a week or something I was just Banned.


Lord of Altera
You did break rules. Arguing with a staff member, and also cursing. Just because your opinions do not align with those of others, does not mean you can force it upon them.
What a staff member says, goes. Anything we do is for the good of the server.


Retired Staff
lunascrain I respect your opinion, but respect mine. Please appeal. abbeyvie 21 Mar, 2013 4:19pm Permanent

Abbey shall decide about your ban, please be patient until she sees it, it's night where she lives.


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
I think I know what Abbey's response to this will be but I'll llow her some time to respond first.


Ok look this is it plain and simple.
I was not Angry with anyone nor did I mean any disrespect
I took umbrage with the use of the word in a casual manner, I argued that A curse word is just that and I still feel that to be true. How ever it was pointed out to me that This is a PG13 server and such words are allowed in movies of the same rating. I am sorry I never meant any disrespect. I tend to have a strong moral compass and yes sometimes it gets me into a mess. I don't think I am better then anyone I never have.
I was just trying to make a point... I over stepped my bounds and I am sorry.


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
It's a good thing you worry about swears, we do to. But you should have listened to Abbey when you were told that particular one was allowed in RP. We had a lot of discussions about swears before you even joined us. Including that particular one.
Most of us (mods/admins) really do know what we are talking about. We would not be very useful when we wouldn't. ;)


Lord of Altera
Sorry for the late reply! It just so happens I was sleeping at 1:01am. :p
So... here's the deal. The reason behind my ban is that I want you to learn and listen to staff members, instead of taking all your problems to the owner. I'll explain our situation again. We argued from 16:02 to 16:19. Do the math and we argued for 17 minutes. I did try to explain my answer repeatedly, but you were set on getting a different answer. For future reference, you need to listen to a staff member and open up. The only thing I was trying to do was resolve an issue. I find out after banning you that the issue we were arguing about had nothing to do with the situation, and the person of the main problem had logged off! I do understand that you believe language a big deal, but when we have a global server, swears are ‘determined’ differently. We determined by opinion of the staff member that sees it. Yeah, not a good method, but it is the best we have. It is all based around opinion and context, and the example with the F word could be determined on ‘opinion’. Anyways, I never planned to keep you banned. I much rather you learn to listen to staff members. The Staff are always trying to help you. They aren’t trying to ruin you. Earlier in the ban appeal, players were trying to help you. I understand that you were upset and frustrated about being booted out of the community temporarily. It is not okay to be fussy to players or staff that are helping you. Please listen to staff member, for we are only trying to fix things! You are unbanned, but if this happens again, you will be banned again. Thanks! :)


I am glad this is all resolved I really would like to just get back to playing and relaxing.
The server is however still saying I am banned.


Retired Staff
You're probably banned on the vanilla banlist. It'll get fixed on the next server restart, I believe. Give it a few hours.
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