Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Idea for My RP Character

Tdog the 1st

I think I might like it here
I came up with a quick idea for my RP character in game.


Okay, here it goes:

I am a mysterious man of a few words, that is, if one is lucky enough to hear them. For the longest time I tried to hide in the wilderness, so i could avoid people knowing who I truly am. When I do talk to people, I usually tell them that my name is Roy.

My true story is, however, that I was once a well respected and decorated soldier in the Elven army. I was the leader of one of the largest brigades. My brigade went into battle against Queen Grief's army. My brigade was not alone, There were two other brigades along side of mine. Both were human. As the battle raged on, one of the human brigades was decimated. We bacame desparate, as our numbers were waning too. At nigh on four hours into the battle, the other human brigade was diminished, and only five of the five and twenty companies that made up my brigade remained. We never gave up. We fough and did not quiver at our innevitable demise. One by one, my warriors fell to the swords and axes, spears and arrows. At last we were down to six and ten of our best warriors. There were nigh on 300 of them left. We unanimously decided to stay and fight, as retreat or capture was not something we belived in. We killed many of them, but still, one by one, my brothers in arms fell. Alas it was only me left, and there were still nigh on 60 enimies left. I fought. I fought with a fierce desire for revenge of my commrades and my honor. I killed two and forty of them before I was badly wounded. A stray arrow struck my in my ribs. I nearly lost the will to fight. I was ready to die. As I began to close my eyes, I realized what I was leaving behind if i died. I was leaving my beloved, my home, and everything I had been fighting for behind. Upon realizing this, a wave of strengh, passion, honor, and a will to live surged through my being. I forced my self to my feet, and turned to face my enemies. They were unaware of me still being alive, so I called out to them, "Behold! You cannot kill me so easily! Come, and face my wrath, for I carry the will of my people, and all those you have slain today!" At that moment all 26 of the remaining enemies turned and made remarks of astonishment. Then without furthur delay, they charged. I had never felt so alive in any point of my life before then. Time itself, seemed to slow around me. When the first enemy was apon me, I sidesteped what would have been a fatal blow from his halberd, and thrust my sword under his chin, and then ducked under another crushing blow from an axe, and beheaded my foe. I fought harder than I had ever before, until when all were slain but the last of them, who was the greatest of all of their warriors. We swung back and forth, parrying each others blows, and moving with such grace and speed that if others were watching, they wouldn't have been able to distinguish one blow from another. Five, long minutes passed before I noticed that he was growing weary, and finnaly, after nigh on ten minutes of battle, I thrust my blade through his heart, and he droped to his knees. His dying words were, "Of all the warriors I've face in my years, never has one been able to avoid my blows." He fell, rolling so his back was to the ground, and I removed my sword from his chest. I dropped my sword on the ground, and it shattered. "I am honored to have died by a warrior's hand such as yours," and with that, he died. I became dizzy, and felt sick. I vomited on the blood stained grass, and looked at the aftermath of the battle. I felt within me a deep feeling of sorrow, and I cried out in anguish. I decided to not return to Altera, and I donned garb of leather, with a mask and a hooded cloak to hide my anguish from the world. Thus I wandered the lands far beyond Altera, seeking a place to call home. I settled in a remote place for many years. I built a house and a farm. All was good until one very fateful day. An army of enderman appeared on my farm, and began destroying it and killing my livestock. I woke in the middle of the night due a piece of wall being violently ripped off of my house. I grabed my sword and took to fighting them off. I killed the one who vandelized my bedroom wall, and left my house only to be stricken with fear. There were nigh on six hundred of the fell demons. If that wasn't enough to unnerve me, the rending screech of the Ender Dragon filled the skies. I fled. I ran and ran and ran until I was safe. Once I was able to catch my breath, I realized were I was. I was at the same grassy plain my commrades had been slain on. I suddenly realized that I couldn't hide from my past any longer. It was finnaly time for I, Vrael Argetlam, to return to the land of Altera.