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Active Illden - The Designer


It took a lot to get here
Credit to Sizzix for this lovely sketch!​
General Information:
Name: Illden Seesro
Other Names:
Titles: Damsel
Age: 23
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Current Residence: Queensport
Relationship Status: Taken
Social Status: She associates with nobility.

Physical Appearance:
Height: 5'10
Weight: 160 lb
Eye Color: Copper brown
Skin Color: Dark brown
Shape of Face: Diamond shaped.
Distinguishing Features: Full lips pulled into a faint smile.
Build of Body: Her body's built upon a wiry frame.
Hair Color: Jet black
Hair Style: Tendrils of black hair frame her face.
Complexion: Her skin is becoming darker these days.
Posture: Correct
Is Seen By Others As: Complicated
Scars: None to date
Voice: Her voice is strong and even

Short Term Goals:
Visit Posey and Linden[], Get a base in Queensport[],

Long Term Goals:
Get that fleet started[1/10],

At first glance Illden appears to be nothing but a gregarious Sooleran content to keep up a shallow forced grin while she pretends to be more important than she really is. There are some who might even consider her charmingly supercilious for electing to speak exclusively in olde common. But then, it would be unwise to voice it to her at the risk of inviting her mind games. Her natural strength and endurance pale in comparison to the extent of the manipulation she's capable of by designing to resolve her issues rather than lifting her own fingers.

Born to a community of Soolerans disconnected from their people since long before the last exodus, Illden was raised with a love of the performance arts for the first few fragile years of her life in the care of her mother and father. It is her kin's tradition to ensure their children are ready to endure a solitary existence, believing it is these people who are best equipped to overpower and dominate others in mind and spirit.

Ever since she was three Illden had a knack for performance and deciphering esoteric spiritual riddles, giving her estranged family the impression she'd go on to be a magus, a notion she'd grown slightly disdainful of for how commonly desired she understood it to be. Soon enough she began to display interest in justice and the performing arts so her parents, Temery and Wallis, came to the decision that she'd need to be away from them and their more conventional occupations to realize her full potential.

Suddenly she was moved away from her childhood home in Azerport right before Marr's disappearance from the Northern Kingdoms and her life consisted of learning to adjust to the responsibilities of taking care of herself and enduring indirect attempts by her family at influencing her to desire what they wanted for her. They'd dispatched her older brother, a dangerous warrior in his own right who had already matured, to limit what she learned, going against their own traditions by excessively meddling in her life.

Despite their intentions, however, she found an unexpected ally in her brother who left her alone and let her pursue her own interests freely. For her to mature by her family's standards, she had to prove herself by executing what is commonly observed to be a suicidal endeavor and emerging unscathed. For Illden, her first chance to fulfill this requirement came when the undead emerged from the south.

Despite the recent exodus nearly costing Illden her life, she found the amount of support she received from the people around her to be unacceptable, depriving her of the learning experience she believed it to be. She does believe herself ready, however, to embrace the change of fortune and try her hand at sea for a chance to prove herself.

Training & Skills:
Rhetoric and Writing - She's studied independently in Sanardu and through practice and application has proved herself a capable scholar in her own right. Her rhetoric is her most powerful weapon.

Acting and Entertainment - Illden possesses a remarkable knack for producing and executing immersive performances, and if she's feeling generous she'll perform on a whim, which is always a fun time.

Tailoring - Initially she used her mastery over the skill to make money to live on, but now she simply oversees production of fine fabrics and materials for a much larger profit. If she does make any clothes they will be for a very steep price.

Trading - Illden has a good grasp of where to move goods in order to make the most profit out of them, and it's made her a tidy profit.

Sailing - Illden has been taught the basics of sailing by the Master Sangrian, being capable enough to sail His Royal Inebriation's vessel back to Halbed without incident.

Herbalism/Botany - Illden has an extensive knowledge of this skill from her early teen years and on, and she's found a particularly useful application in administering spiritual treatment using herbs.

Textile Manufacturing - Illden's experience as a seamstress combined with her enterprising nature grant her a considerable advantage when considering all the tricks to successfully manufacturing and trading textiles in bulk.

Emergency Medicine - Having to treat seriously wounded companions in camp Norman is what started her on learning this valuable skill, and now she's content to know just the basics of being the first person to treat serious wounds. This is especially effective when combined with her expertise in herbalism.

Relevant Family Members: Temery Seesro, Wallis Seesro, Taimur Seesro, Fillia Seesro
Romantic Interests: Gelyk II
Trusted Friends: Edeline Baker,
Friendly With: Kethron, Merry, Ventare Seymour, Nikolche, Ava, Arianne, Poe, Edger Kress, Linden, Iskvandar
Intrigued by: Dominar, Kam,
Loose Acquaintances: Asero Crow, Geralt, King Brennard, Boetius, Oliver
Disfavored Individuals:
Wary Of: [Feared]
Missed: Aleksandra, Allison, Bronn,
I Wonder if They're Still Mad:
Forgotten: Cymic, Theodosius
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It took a lot to get here

Edeline Baker - Few will elect to spend their time as freely with Edeline as I. Perhaps the sea of storm's vast expanse may fitly speak the extent of our similarities. Sizzix

Ventare - I have my reservations.ShaolinPunk

Arianne - It's been a while. Bobert

Merry - I have great expectations for you.

Poe - I wonder if she's grown up by now. Catena

Camila - She's alright.. ZeroOrgan

Edger Kress - He surprises me from time to time.Edouard2000

Linden - Let's see how good you are with dye. RagingLunacy

Iskvandar - You're not around anymore. Vincentius

Gelyk - We have some work to do. Rygan

Eltsir - His high jinx are not enough to secure his secrets from me. I'll find him out one way or another. Elt

Joe - Calling it a minor offense is generous, given that master of yours would have jumped at the next opportunity to punish you. As a matter of fact.... Wandering Ranger

Jaden - I'm onto you. Your business as usual delivery of Joe's punishment suggests to me the nature of your kink. CloakedReaper
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It took a lot to get here
I updated a few things here and there such as goals, appearance, teen years - JUNK in general! (^_^) But relations are also updated with some new sections as well. It's worth a read over with how scattered the changes are. Goodnight and have a wonderful time not sleeping until 2:00 AM


It took a lot to get here
So Illden dosn't trust Jack anymore?
She can't! :( I wish she could but it isn't possible with her character, and I never make exceptions based on OOC feeling. She would have understood his intentions if it was just Odette X_X, but then Theo too!