Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Important!] All fellow Alterans, honor Lambmaster's bravery!

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Legend of Altera
If this is in the wrong place, feel free to move it, Admins. Sorry if it's not supposed to be here.
Alright, so, In Kados Aure, There will be a monument to Lambmaster, in honor of his bravery. for thse of you who don't know the situation, visit To read about it. Anyway, I want every Alteran to put a message on this pillar, thought I might need more wood. It HAS to be done ASAP, so we can show Lambmaster. I hope that everyone will participate in this, and I'll try to get everyone a spot. I'd appreciate the Admin's support in helping, as I won't be online to help people put up signs/get added to the region. It's all for him, he's an awesome guy, and he deserves it.
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