Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Infinity Bow (Buying)


Can anyone reply Here if they have An infinity 1 bow of Any kind they Would like To Sell?

I will be happy To Negotiate price based on What other Enchantments it comes With. Im Good for money (earning And such) So I Will be happy to pay even a stupid price if I have To.


I have 2,

One has power 3, punch (2 i think) infinity and flame 1

The other has power 4, infinity 1 flame 1

Feel free to make an offer, i dont use bows that much.


I have 2,

One has power 3, punch (2 i think) infinity and flame 1

The other has power 4, infinity 1 flame 1

Feel free to make an offer, i dont use bows that much.
Ill offer 8k for the power 4, infini flame 1. Are you happy with That or Do You want more?


NiNjAiKoToBa said:
Ill offer 8k for the power 4, infini flame 1. Are you happy with That or Do You want more?
I would ask for more for what it is but seeing as its just lying around not being used you can have it for 8 :p

Ill be online later :)


Also lets not be rude here.... but i lost my affinity and resp 3 helmet... in lava.... it needs replacing.... I was wondering if i could buy that too...