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[Islands] The Gemstone Isles


Lord of Altera
Arduin Port would like a place at your docks, seeing the proximity between us.
Yep, I'm just waiting for you to finish the boat. We've got docks just waiting to be filled! And since you'll be the first boat there, you'll have all the choice.


Lord of Altera
1 - minecraft name: javalidourado
2 - rp name: Javali
3 - rp age: 20
4 - rp race: Human
5 - what could you bring to the isles: I love farming, building and smithing. I can bring food, comerce, weaponry, armors and as i love building, i was wandering if i can build a place for smiths, alchemists and artificers may gather and trade items and info.
6 - why do you want to join the isles: My smithing master lives there (dehuntrr), its a wonderfull place, full of nature and beauty. i'd love to fill the forest air with the music of the anvil and the scent of brand new craftings.
Accepted, everything's set, just waiting for you to get the money for your home.


1.Minecraft name: Weemsie
2.Roleplay name: Aeadarume Dala (Dala for short)
3.Roleplay age: 52
4.Roleplay race: Elf of mixed birth
5.What can you bring to the Isles: I am new to MC and Altera, so I am still picking things up as a go along. In spite of my novice status, I would love to start a library in the Isles. I also am looking for a peaceful place to call "home."
6:Why do you want to join the Isles: The Isles seem like a perfect fit for my RP character. I am also very impressed the the natural beauty of the land and the way the architecture adds to the landscape without overpowering it.


Lord of Altera
1.Minecraft name: Weemsie
2.Roleplay name: Aeadarume Dala (Dala for short)
3.Roleplay age: 52
4.Roleplay race: Elf of mixed birth
5.What can you bring to the Isles: I am new to MC and Altera, so I am still picking things up as a go along. In spite of my novice status, I would love to start a library in the Isles. I also am looking for a peaceful place to call "home."
6:Why do you want to join the Isles: The Isles seem like a perfect fit for my RP character. I am also very impressed the the natural beauty of the land and the way the architecture adds to the landscape without overpowering it.
Meet me in game at the Isles, I also suggest that you have a look around before meeting me, just to be sure that you realy like it here and hopefully see a good place for a home. Once that's done, I'll add you to the region, and all those things. Oh, and I'm a bit busy this week and migth not be there often, I'm sorry if that cause you any trouble.


Lord of Altera
1.Minecraft name: Weemsie
2.Roleplay name: Aeadarume Dala (Dala for short)
3.Roleplay age: 52
4.Roleplay race: Elf of mixed birth
5.What can you bring to the Isles: I am new to MC and Altera, so I am still picking things up as a go along. In spite of my novice status, I would love to start a library in the Isles. I also am looking for a peaceful place to call "home."
6:Why do you want to join the Isles: The Isles seem like a perfect fit for my RP character. I am also very impressed the the natural beauty of the land and the way the architecture adds to the landscape without overpowering it.
Accepted, You plot is bought and everything's alright, have fun on the Isles!


1 minecraft name: Dasher45637
2 roleplay name: Ti'rel
3 roleplay age: 120
4 roleplay race: wood elf
5 what could you bring to the isles: a friendly attitude, good construction work, and helper
6why do you want to join the Isles: i want a home outside of the east frontier. i want to build for people and get away from the main land. i also want to be neighbors with weemsie


Lord of Altera
1 minecraft name: Dasher45637
2 roleplay name: Ti'rel
3 roleplay age: 120
4 roleplay race: wood elf
5 what could you bring to the isles: a friendly attitude, good construction work, and helper
6why do you want to join the Isles: i want a home outside of the east frontier. i want to build for people and get away from the main land. i also want to be neighbors with weemsie
I'll give you perms for the region, I'm sorry I can't show you around or meet you properly but I'm not often online lately and I'd rather give you perms right now instead of making you wait.
For your house, go on the isles, do /noble map and find a plot/square that's not claimed.
Then do /money pay lemarc 2500 and tell me, on the forums, the coordinates of that square.
I'll need the X and Z. Once I get the coords, I'll conect and buy the plot. One that's done, you can start building your house. Again, I'm sorry we can't meet properly, good luck finding a suitable place, and welcome to the Isles!


Lord of Altera
Although the infamous Gemstone tavern is currently called the Laughing Lamb I'm suggesting we change it's name (Once again...) to honour our lost sailor. If any of you havn't heard it Lemarc is leaving, he said it himself he might come back and when/(if) he does we can decide whether to change the Tavern's name back, but for now I think we should start suggesting names with a Lemarc theme.

I'll start:

The lost sailor


Lord of Altera
About those name suggestions:

The Sailor's Dream
The Loyal Captain
Sails of an Adventurer
Perfect, that's the new Tavern Name. If and maybe when Lemarc comes back we'll all discuss whether to change it back to the Laughing Lamb but from now till then it'll be The Loyal Captain.


Lord of Altera
1.Minecraft name: Chaoticdog118
2.Roleplay name: Artium Van Hyde
3.Roleplay age: 19
4.Roleplay race: Halfblood
5.What can you bring to the Isles: I guess I could farm with sufficient land
6:Why do you want to join the Isles: why not? its a lovely place to rp


Lord of Altera
Just wondering... who will be taking control of the Isles now that Lemarc's gone? Because, OOC, Machy really has the best claim to it. But IC, Machy's current character doesn't have a great claim to it. I might suggest Gromm being the new owner of the Isles, as that would make OOC and IC sense.


Lord of Altera
Just wondering... who will be taking control of the Isles now that Lemarc's gone? Because, OOC, Machy really has the best claim to it. But IC, Machy's current character doesn't have a great claim to it. I might suggest Gromm being the new owner of the Isles, as that would make OOC and IC sense.
We don't need to have just one, I'll be OOC cause I kinda have to being the only one who can claim land. I think Wakey would be a great choice for RP leader, but we'll need to vote on it.