Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Lord of Altera
Istaria: Chronicles of the Gifted
This game isnt about killing ppl or raging over a ninja its about building and having fun with a great community.
So this is a game i played a few months ago and i just remembered it.
Istaria is a great game about having fun and its Free to Play :D And its actually one of those good F2P games =D So the only problem about it is the graphics they really should fix those...
But i'd love to see some of the HW players play on there in a guild or something, its really fun and you can even RP pretty good on there =D You can build Towns, there are loads of races to pick from and you can even play as a DRAGON! :eek: Ive always felt so lonely when i played Istaria, but that was probly because my english was not that good a yr ago.... But heres a link to the Homesite of Istaria: