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iTroller's ban appeal

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Even though my ban was a simple one day ban, I would also like to prove that I am innocent. It said that I was banned for cake thievery, which is not what happened. [Lady]Thea told me to help get some cakes for Cubey's birthday party, so when I set all the cakes up there were some left over (like 4) then everyone put their presents in boxes, so I put one of the extra cakes as a part of my gift. I then logged off because I had to go to Peeps Fest. No one told me to return the cakes to thea and she didn't ask about them, I would have returned them if someone had just asked, I know that this may have been taken as i took cake and just logged off, and for that i am sorry, i didn't intentionally steal the cakes, there were just extra and i logged off to go somewhere. I don't want to get a bad reputation on this server :\


King ForumStalker
Actually, you were banned for prematurely eating one of the cakes (not just one slice, but all except one!)

It was a special event for an upstanding admin, cant have thievery of cake. Wait it out, it is almost finished.
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