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Inactive Iztekas Axtros, a Stowaway


Dark Council Elite


Name: Iztekas Axtros
Full Titles: Stowaway
Nickname/Alias: Stowaway, Izzy


Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Nakat
Social Status: Unknown by just about everybody.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: About 5'3
Weight: About 114 Lbs
Date of Birth: 19 years prior to this date.
Date of Death:
Homeland: Zelizi's Village
Current Home: The War-Camp's Medical Tent


Build: Relatively small, slightly muscular but very skinny.
Fur: Black covering all but his chest, reaching to to his chin, around his muzzle, and a bit up his nose.
Eyes: A deep, rich Blue.
Identifying Marks: His left hear has the tip ripped off, the scar since healed over. A long story. In short, he is missing the tip of his left ear.
Appearance: A Nakat relatively on the small side with not much muscle to back himself up, he's quite noticeable. His coat is a very dark black similar to his
Clothing: He wears some dark brown leather shorts.
Weaponry: A small dagger with a redstone gem encrusted hilt, it glows in the dark very faintly. Note that he couldn't use the dagger to save his life.
Prized Possessions: A few golden doubloons, four to be precise, given to him by his parents as he left to find his friend Zelizi.~
Hygiene: Very, very clean.
Voice: ... Fairly 'cute' by human standards, quite small and not very deep.


Strengths: A bit strong in his charisma moreso than weaponry or physical strength.
Fears: Just about everything, as he isn't very
Weaknesses: His physical size and inability to use weapons.
Intelligence: Pretty high; "I sharpened my mind as he sharpened his sword," etc.
Languages: Verba, only Verba. Can speak about six words in Common.
Profession: Seeking emplyment!


Personality: Shy around those he doesn't know, but friendly and caring to those he does.
Religion or Cults: Normal Nakat's religious views.
Alignment: Neutral.
Short Term Goals: ...
Long Term Goals: ...


Place: With Tzemik
Pastime: Reading or Writing
Food: Salmon
Drink: Milk
Color: White
Animal: ... Cat.

Least Favourite...
Place: Imprisoned.
Pastime: Fighting.
Food: Frog.
Drink: Pondwater.
Colour: Red.
Animal: Wolf.

In Love With:
Has A Crush On: Tzemik
Trusts: Tzemik
Befriended: Drachen Dormus, Scardrac Dormus
Likes: Sajek
Unsure of: Archaeus Fronte, Gustav Fritz
Wary of:
Afraid of: Vorar, Zelizi




Iztekas was raised in the same small village as Zelizi; The two of them shared quite a friendship throughout their younger years. He would occasionally go with her on her father's hunting trips and sit with her as she tried to draw the animals, also occasionally with her when she went out with her mother to help carry the herbs and greens they gathered. An all-around family friend, Zelizi and Iztekas spent the eight years before she suddenly left for the Northern Kingdoms without telling him. Shocked and saddened, he promised that as soon as he had enough money with him, he would stow away on a boat to the Northern Kingdoms. For the next six years, he worked around the village to earn money from others. For the six years that he was without Zelizi, he thought about her constantly; it was in these few years that he truly started to realize that he had fallen for her. Of course, this just fueled his plight more. After confronting his parents about his plan, they were quite annoyed - but, after about three years of begging, they eventually stopped caring about what he was to do. "Go ahead, break the law," they eventually said. "But don't expect us to be surprised when you're dragged back and put in a cell."

After he gathered what he saw as enough money for him to pay for necessities in the Northern Kingdoms, he started to plan. Day after day he would go and watch the harbor, night after night he would j up to observe the habits of the ships. After about a week of this the crews began to take notice of the eyes watching them from a distance, and shoo'd him away from the docks. Though after a few weeks, he returned to observing the docks from a distance and learning the schedules of the ships. He'd write it out in his mind, memorize it to make sure his timing would be perfect.

And so just after he turned his nineteenth year of age, he went.

He ran from his hiding place among the docks to a ship that was to leave that evening, praying that his black pelt hid him from view as the sun dipped. Carrying only what he could carry in a small pack, that being an extra set of clothes, his money, plenty of food, water, and his small journal, he sneaked aboard the ship and popped open the lid of a large box labelled "War Effort," which he of course couldn't read, but he found the contents to take up enough space enough as to leave him enough space. Through surprising luck on his part, he managed to pop open the crate that contained bedding for the different barracks. Blankets, pillows, sheets, et cetera...

He wasn't sure of the length that he was at sea, but for those days he was, he suffered. He, though, convinced himself that it was worth it to go through this to see Zelizi again.

My in-game name is: MsDanniellie14
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