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JDog418 - Ban Appel [Banned]

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Lord of Altera
Dear Hollow World

My Crime is abuse of a command and I deeply apologize for my actions.
Let me first start with how I found this command. Well first I typed /help and it showed me all the commands then I saw the command /help essentials. And it showed me a few commands including /item. So out of curiosity I typed /item and it said /item [item number] [amount] and so out of curiosity again I typed /item 133 64 and it spawned in my inventory 64 emerald blocks. Then I became greedy and started spawning more and more and more. Then I traded them in for money, I got over 1 million in money. I became greedy and started spawning exp bottles then I enchanted with my exp until I was banned.

I understand what I did was wrong I exploited a Bug in the commands and did not report it. I am sorry, I should of said something to an admin, I should of not abused the command. I know what I say is just words and it will not change what I did, but all I ask is for a second chance. Thank you for reading this and I hope you show me mercy. Thank you and again I am truly sorry.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Not only exp. bottles, but diamond armour, gave yourself diamond picks and torches and lava buckets in the Sorrows, etc. etc.

Hawkeye sees all. I am currently destroying all assets of you and Ddaug02 regardless of ban appeal verdict.

Edit: Which doesn't look favourable...
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