Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Jeremy's Ban appeal {Resolved-Unbanned}


Lord of Altera
Reason for ban: Power-Gaming
By: Michcat

First and foremost I’m sorry. I still truthfully don’t understand the sequence of events that made this ban come about but when it comes down to it, I took my time on my character/server and not my time in active RP and made an action that made my character over powered. I’ve talked to Michcat very briefly and had a conversation with SallyPirate in some detail about this. They have been very helpful in looking into this and said that I was the one at fault. So I am making a heart full request to be unbanned. Iv already started rereading all the forums in the hopes that this will go thought. I don't know if this dose/should have any weight in my matter but in the two and half years iv been playing I have had no warnings or banns or complaints. I’ve always tried to make the players around me have fun and enjoy themselves and I’m sorry if today I did the opposite of that.


Lord of Altera
Sorry I took so long to respond to this, I wanted to make sure I would stay unbiased (And I kinda.. fell asleep *Ahem*)

So anyway, I have no problem with unbanning, and whilst I thought I would make you rewhitelist after unbanning, I think it would be more reasonable to just ask that you read up on power and meta gaming as much as you can, and make sure to train your character (Or find out what's physically possible with said character-).

I must warn you though, that repeating powergaming would mean a more severe punishment.. not that I mean that to sound like a threat, I hope that it doesn't re-occur either.

Anyway, I'll be unbanning you ingame now