Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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it her.png
(sorry abt my bad art you guys ;-; )

Age: 20
Gender: Female
Race: Caparii (Lighthoof)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 136lbs
Build: Light
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Gray
Skin: Fair
Wears: Tunic with a diagonal belt, leather bracers, & golden hoop earrings.
Weapon: Small Bone-Carving Knife
Profession: Scavenger and Hunter
Alignment: True Neutral

Fav Food: Venison Sausage

Fav Color: Dull Orange
It represents the time between night and day.
Fav Animal: Hare
For its' ability to escape death.

She comes from a small tribe of nomadic Caparii, who she has left in pursuit of a more stable life. She's always had a fascination with dead things, thus she began taking bones from fresh or rotting kills and carving intricate designs into them. Recently, she set up a shop in Storms Landing in hopes of making a living off of her scavenging habits and bone carving talents.

In-game name: Eryufaoladh