Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Kierian Blayke


Kierian Blayke
Name: Kierian Silvanus Blayke
Nickname: Kier

Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Forest Elf
Social Status:
Weight:157 lbs

Build: Slim/Athletic
Hair: Jet black
Eyes: Light greenish gray
Skin: pale
Identifying Marks: none
Clothing: Most of the time, he is wearing his traveling coat that is long an dark gray with white edges. He wears a forest green medium/light tunic that is tucked into his dark trousers that are held up by his belt. He can be seen wearing a soft brown linen scarf over his face or just laid across his neck keeping him warm.
Weaponry:He uses a dark wooden bow staff with light metal embellishments/reinforcements
Prized Possessions: His staff
Hygiene: Stays very well cleaned for someone who is traveling

Strengths: Climbing
Fears: Caves
Why: They are underground and there is no fresh air.
Weaknesses: Caves
Intelligence: Clever,
Profession: Currently Titus's bodyguard

Personality: Polite and curious
Religion: Theodra and Shalherana
Short Term Goals:Find a home
Long Term Goals: Establish himself and travel Altera


Place: Anywhere with running water and trees
Pastime: Drawing
Food: ELvish bread
Drink: Water
Colour: Silver
Animal: Mice (just mice, definitely not rats)

Least Favourite...
Place: Caves
Pastime: Doing notheing, sitting , sleeping.
Food: most Dwarven prepared meat.
Drink: Dark ale
Colour: Orange
Animal:Bats (they live in caves)
BACKSTORY: When he was too young to remember his father was taken back to nature when he died while hunting. Several years later when he was 14 his mother died in their burning home. He is now in Altera looking for a place to live so he can have a place to rest his feet before going on his next adventure.
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