Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Last words, lets get things strait, and thx alot Jake!

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Okay as I said before, I'm done for, yes I don't need to come back on but it would be a pleasure to come on but I don't care ...JAke what was this for.

Okay, The Ip thing, yes we do live together, we're boarders. Jake leaves every Sunday night to go back home to his parents. so yes he did go back home, to his real home. JUST BECAUSE I'M AN ORPHAN! JAKE I SAID I DON'T CARE! i can't think, only of the server, what a pleasure it was at the time..


King of the north!
These are just getting sad...

The ip's were the same all the way through the convo, even when he said he wasn't with you when he was "home"....
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