Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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~Law of Nakam Lands~


Lord of Altera
The Nakam of the new world have begun deliberation and writing of their own declaration of rights and such, as to uphold their own power within the regions of their control~
General edits will be made in the future, though expect mostly additions to the documents~
(Credit to Archaeus Fronte/GLaDOS for this wonderful wording, and to the rest of the Nakam for general brainstorming~)



-Any and all who shall enter the jurisdiction agree to uphold these laws, lest they be subject to the punishments at hand.-


+Dreadful – Can result in execution/permanent imprisonment or exile.

+High – Can result in long imprisonment, banishment from lands, and fines.

+Medium – Can result in temporary imprisonment and fines.

+Low – Can result in warnings.

+Negligible – Can result in a talking-to or warnings depending on severity.

Warning System
The warning system works on a basis of warnings that an authority figure may cast
upon a Nakat that has broken these laws. Number of warnings will affect, in order from low to high:

  • Say in public meetings.
  • Salesman license(s).
  • Residence title deed(s).
  • Ownership of land.
  • Imprisonment and/or ability to take cases to trial.
  • Residence in Nakam lands.


Thievery, banditry, and theft or robbery of any type is strictly prohibited. This is a medium level offense and will not be tolerated within the borders of Nakam land.
Law Definition: The forceful removal of any property that does not belong to the citizen in question; said property could be of monetary, personal, or bodily worth.
  • Theft Ranking System
LOW – Items that are cheap and replaceable.

MEDIUM – Items that are more expensive or cherished; e.g. family heirlooms, steel, Radiants, pieces of armor(ranking varies), weaponry, art.

HIGH – Items that are invaluable or nearly impossible to replace, e.g. legendary items, custom-crafted weaponry, gold, precious gems, body parts.


The unauthorized selling and trading of products to public groups is prohibited. In order to sell a product or service to the public, a business license must be available to present to any who may ask. This is a high level offense and will be met with punishment determined by those who hold the authority to.

Different businesses will require different licenses. The different types are:

  • Food/Produce
  • Clothing/Attire
  • Armor/Weaponry/Smithing
  • Law Attorney
  • Art/Tapestry
  • Carpentry/House Construction
  • Real Estate Sale


Movement across one's private lands without consent is a low-level offense by itself, though when found to be both trespassing and with the wish to cause harm to the owner of said lands, it is a medium level offense.

If you are found to have trespassed with intent to cause harm and did do so, it is a high level offense.


Magic is, upon first usage in Nakam lands, a high offense. Upon second usage, is a Dreadful offense.

Upon first usage of magic in the lands, you will be fined a sum of 15,ooo Radiants and given a six-month sentence of imprisonment. This will also count as eight warnings.
Upon second usage you will either be executed (likely) or exiled (less likely, but possible).


Murder is a Dreadful level offense. No creature should ever bring death to another creature at any point in time, and this law is heavily enforced. If one is found to have committed this crime, they will likely face execution; a life for a life. There are some special cases in which one would face permanent exile from all Nakam lands, without chance for appeal.
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