Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Lost Planet 2

French Roast

Lord of Altera
In the far future, on the harsh planet E.D.N. III, the humans have begun to settle, fighting off massive Akrids, and other humans. NEVEC, the planetary military enterprise, isn't exactly the good guys. Not all of them, at least. They are trying to extract all the precious thermal energy from the planet, leaving it barren and uninhabitable. The Pirates, whom also of course aren't good, fight NEVEC, as well as other pirate groups, waging war on each other for thermal energy and other resources. With the flesh-healing "Harmonizer" in their hands, an advanced soldier can take down an entire base. Using VS (vital suit) mechs, they take down even the most horrifyingly massive Akrids. When an Akrid the size of a mountain - a Super-G - threatens the humans, a band of NEVEC soldiers rebel, knowing what destruction will happen with the satellite strike intended to wipe the Akrid off the face of the planet.

Using the Harmonizer and VS's, you play as Pirates, NEVEC, and traitor NEVEC soldiers throughout the game. Although the game may be lacking in storyline, the gameplay and combat is quite entertaining, and the game is overall fun to play, particularly in co-op. The game presents a challenge, even on easy difficulty, particularly with the hulking Akrid bosses.


Lord of Altera
This game is extremely fun. I made it very far but had to get a new Xbox live profile. I recommend it highly

French Roast

Lord of Altera
Yeah, if I get an Xbox I'm getting it. I've played co-op at my friend's house.

Note: Even with two players and easy difficulty and max AIs it is very difficult.