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Low Res Texture Bug

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Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
I think I have found a bug in Minecraft relating to using Server Textures. It was bugging me why the HW TP looked so crap! Then I found something...

If you have your default texture pack as Default then Server Textures (i.e the Hollowworld TP) will show in a very low resolution.

To fix this you need to either download the TP manually and install it manually or select a 128 or 256 resolution Texture Pack as your default texture pack and then switch on Server Textures. You will then see the HW TP in all its high res glory.

Of course as always you will need to MCPatch your Minecraft to support High Res Textures.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Oh, I was wondering what was wrong with my HW texture pack. Thanks for the information, Cherbert :D
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