Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Matt's Unsparked Application

Sergeant Freedom

Lord of Altera
IGN: EdgeLordCryptic

Character Name: Matt

Character Profile: X

Intended School: Eviscism

Intended Specialization: Pyromancy, (Volatile)

Desired Passive/Knack: As the mage continues down the path of fire, his body would become scorched and seared with burn marks. Beginning with his fingertips, their surface turning to resemble black cinder, while still leaving the fingers useable. As they progress through the Echelons, these changes spread to other parts of his body, resulting in small fissures opening on the surface of his skin, flames visible within; intensifying during spellcasting. These flames do not produce heat, but are still uncomfortable for the mage.

Mentor’s IGN: Fronslin

Mentor’s Character Name: Frost (To my full attention this is his name)

Mentor’s Mage Profile: X


Legend of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
There are so many heretics- damn