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Melosa's Prayer Log - Decisions


The Brainz
Retired Staff
Blessday, 6th of Ghostmoon 2259

Melosa slowly walks down the stairs just within the cathedral. Her foot steps echoing slightly within the large space. She looks around a bit like a scared animal. Once she reaches the bottom of the steps she pauses and looks down at cloak in her hands, her mothers cloak. The cloak dyed black as coal, she runs her hand down the length of the fabric, her hand resting on a red patch where dye had faded, revealing the true color underneath. She sighs and clutches it close to her chest and continues on her way into the cathedral. She glances from left to right looking to each of the shrines as she passes, stopping once she reaches the center. Her head slowly turning to the left as she looks in to his shrine, Jishrim's.

Slowly she takes a step towards it, a little hesitant to go within but holds back the small bit of fear and moves into the darkness of the shrine. She glances around, the room almost void of any light. Melosa almost felt, comfortable within the darkness, she had spent so many years with only it. It was familiar to her. She smiles slightly as she makes her was to the first pew and sits down, bowing her head head slightly as she begins to ramble a prayer to him.


Jishrim, I am confused.
I don't know what to believe.
The others, they tell me I am foolish for listening to your words.
They say that you lie, that you wish to use me like some tool.
But you tell me you care...
The others, the left me, why should I listen to them...
They abandon me, for years...
But you... you care about me... right?
You said you did... but the others say that it is a lie.
But you warned me of this.. you told me they would try to trick me...
I cannot let them trick me...
But... But why?
Why do you care about me Jishrim?
Could it be true?
All my life.. all I have ever wanted..
was one thing.. something I have never had..
someone who cares..
about me...
Could that be you?
Or is what they say true?

She slowly stands, opening her eyes as she does. She glances around slowly and begins to leave the darkness of the shrine. She begins to leave the cathedral when she stops. She glances down at her mothers cloak, the cloak her mother had gotten when she joined the Followers of Vermella. She looks down at the fades red patch and smiles slightly, she turn around. She makes her way to the back of the cathedral, stopping at the last shrine on the right just before Shalherana's shrine.

She looks into the shrine and a small smile forms on her lips as she makes her way into the shrine. Her smile soon fades as his voice echos in her ear. {"Vermella doesn't want you.. anyway..."}. Melosa sighs slightly and decides to continue into the shrine. She slowly sits down at the pew near the front of the shrine and bows her head in prayer.

Vermella, I am conflicted.
Salheira, she says she cares about me.
She wants me to follow in your path.
In the path of the red.
But I don't know if I can.
I don't know if I am able to keep true to your ways.
I am afraid Vermella.. I don't want to disappoint her..
Maybe Jishrim is the only god suitable for me...

Maybe I need to be used...
But Salheira will not give up. Neither will Frost...
I can tell.. they care about me..
They care...
Salheira told me when Jishrim was talking to me, just out side the cathedral..
She told me she heard a voice.. saying that her friend by the fountain was in danger..
She believes that it was you, that sent her to rescue me.
But why?
Why would you do that for me?
All my life, I have wanted someone to rescue me...
Someone to save me...

Melosa lifts her gaze up to the rose bush, then looks down at the cloak. She slightly rubs the fabric, the dye slowly lifting slightly under her thumb to reveal the red underneath. She smiles a little and stands to leave. As she walks out she thinks.

{Do I gave in to the Darkness? Or do I take on the Red?}


Lord of Altera
the change in her profile happened right after she posted this. we've had a pleasant roleplay, gaby. :)