Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Minecraft Snapshot 12w23a


Lord of Altera
Hello everyone! This week Mojang has been busy. 1.3.1, Minecon 2012 and now snapshot 12w32a. The first snapshot of 1.4 and it's jam packed with great new additions.
  • Zombies now infect villagers (The villagers become NPC zombies)
  • Added potion of night vision
  • Added non-craftable redstone adventure mode block which can run commands
  • Added a "WIP block" that enables players to empower themselves at the expense of diamonds, iron, emeralds and gold (Pictured below)
  • Added Zombies,Skeletons and Zombie-Pigmen wearing armour (sometimes enchanted) and wielding bows(skeles only) and swords (again sometimes enchanted)
  • Villagers will now like or dislike the player depending on wether the player kills or leaves the villagers for dead or weather the player does trades.
  • Villagers will no longer remove trades.
  • Oak trees can now generate with sideways logs
There are of course the regular bug fixes etc but these are the main features.

For a full list of 1.4 features check here(forums) or here(wiki)
To download 12w32a click here.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Lol. But back on topic, npc's are going to hate you. Do you think they want to be reminded that their related to squidward? :D