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My apologies for my bad behavior


Lord of Altera
A short time ago I was banned for stealing and griefing.
It was very stupid of me when I thought I could get away with it by lying about it.
Now I'm not saying someone else did it, or my account was hacked or something like that. I take the full responsibility for what I've done. I want to give James his gold back, and return to the server.
I am really looking forward to the Holloween event that's coming up, and I really, really don't want to miss it.
So my apologies for my bad behavior.


King ForumStalker
I'm very surprised and disappointed that you did this Itsem. You seemed like an intelligent guy and i know your a good person but this is wrong, and lying didn't help either.

I consider you my friend, but i'm afraid i've lost almost all trust and respect for you. I don't want to see you banned, I believe you have seen the wrongs of your ways but even if you do come back (which is not likely considering the severity of your crimes) you'd have a hard time of earning back the trust of the Admin team, the players and of myself.


Thanks for your apology. I will leave this upto Axex, he was the moderator that found out.


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
at least you are being an adult about it.
I have a lot of respect for the way you went about your appeal, beats the hell outa "my dum lil sis gots on my comp yo. wasnt me wasnt me, let me back this aint fair!"(not a quote of anyone in particular just the most common excuse)
I don't really have any tolerance for thieves, those who intentionally grief, or cheaters, though it is not my call.


Lord of House Hawklight
Even though you lied about it to both Lars and myself, I'll have it changed to say, a few days ban, if anything like this happens again however, it will be permanent.

- Unfortunately this means you will miss the Holloween Event, however, I am not letting you off scott free, especially since you lied to both myself, and Lars..


Even though you lied about it to both Lars and myself, I'll have it changed to say, a few days ban, if anything like this happens again however, it will be permanent.

- Unfortunately this means you will miss the Holloween Event, however, I am not letting you off scott free, especially since you lied to both myself, and Lars..
Fair enough :/


Lord of House Hawklight
It's up to Lars to change it, but I suggest until the end of the weekend, purely for lying, which was the worst part.